Roll Call - Staff (3 min)
- Updates
Words from Chair - Daniel Nanghaka (
1015 min)
Co-Chair Updates Recent and Upcoming Regional Activities - (15 min)
Initial Plans for Outreach and Engagement at ICANN66 - Daniel, Glenn, Olivier and Adam (15 min)
Initial Plans for Outreach and Engagement at the 2019 IGF - Matthias, Olivier, Claudia and Heidi (15 min)
- Next Steps on the At-Large Communications Strategy - John Laprise (15
- Actions for SC on O/E with reference to COVID-19
- Strategy and aims for SC on O/E within At-Large
- recommended ICANN Learn Courses
Discussion with Social Media WG Chair and Regional Representatives on how to implement a Social Media Strategy for O/E during the COVID-19 Situation - All (30 mins)
- Recommended Outcome: Social Media WG to develop an online plan for O/E
- Daily Tweets targeted for people who may be at home
- Close collaboration between SC on O/E and Social Media WG
- Discussion of draft At-Large Communications Strategy - Maureen/All (15 min)
Update from ICANN Org on FY20 RALO Discretionary Funding and CROP Funding - Staff (5 min)
Initial Discussion of Focus for Regional Strategic Outreach Plans - Daniel, co-leads and RALO Leaders (20 min)
Next Call - Daniel (1 min)
Adjournment of Call - Daniel (1 min)