ICANN Announcements
A few things we would like to share with you:
- The 2019 IGF aims to be paperless – Informal pamphlets and materials will be linked by a QR code to a dedicated ICANN page on the IGF website. If you are interested in distributing any materials your community group would like to share with IGF participants, please send the materials to us (see below). Deadline: Friday, 4 October 2019.
- ICANN booth – The booth will be a resource for the ICANN community. Please contact us (see below) if you or any of your members would like to volunteer at the booth, or use the booth as a place for small meet-ups, etc. Once we have a better idea, we will create a schedule reflecting this.
- Technical community reception – Monday, 25 November 2019, 18:30-20:00 (IGF venue). Space will be limited, and the reception will be by invitation only. Please send us (see below) the names of any community members attending the IGF and they will receive an invitation. Deadline: Tuesday, 12 November 2019.
- Community sessions – Please send us (see below) details of any session at the IGF your community group and members are planning, and we will share this information online and at the ICANN booth.
- ICANN org contact for community members and requests: Adam Peake, adam.peake@icann.org.
Key Workspaces
- IGF 2019 Website
- Draft List of IGF2019 Workshops
- List of At-Large and ICANN-related Workshops at the IGF2019
- Remote Hubs - Information on how to participate remotely
- At-Large Booth at IGF2019 - Sign up to volunteer!
- 2019 At-Large at the IGF QR Code Material Workspace
- 2019 IGF At-Large Promotional Materials
- At-Large Persons attending IGF2019 in Berlin
- At-Large at the IGF2019 - Sights and Sounds
At-Large at the IGF2019 - Reports
ICANN/At-Large Organized Events
ICANN org will have a booth, hold sessions, and co-host a reception with other Internet technical organizations.
ICANN sessions
IGF Day 0 Pre-Events: Monday, 25 November 2019
- 15:05-14:35 | Workshop: The evolving ecosystem: ICANN's role in the security and stability of the Internet [r20.rs6.net]
IGF Day 1: Tuesday, 26 November 2019
- 10:45-11:45 | ICANN Open Forum: ICANN - DNS, Threats and Opportunities [r20.rs6.net]
IGF Day 3: Thursday 28 November 2019
- 11:05-12:35 | Workshop: Online Identity in the Multilingual Domain Name Space [r20.rs6.net]