Zoom Room: https://icann.zoom.us/j/403025631
Dial-out Participants:
Abdulkarim Oloyede
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber, Evin Erdogdu,
Yeşim Nazlar
Call Management:
Yeşim Nazlar
Action Items: EN
Zoom Recording: EN
Zoom Chat: EN
Transcript: EN
Roll Call - Staff (2 min)
Review of Action Items
from 28 August 2019
Welcome with a Focus on At-Large Leadership Activities at ICANN66 - Maureen Hilyard (3 min)
Update on Planning Timeline
and Review of Block Schedule- Gisella Gruber (
51 min)
Key Issues to be Addressed during ICANN66 - Maureen Hilyard/All (15 mins)
Review and Assignment of At-Large Talking Points - Saturday morning 08:30-10:15 during Welcomeoutstanding
UA (John Laprise) - see request from Sarmad
Finance (planning for FY21)
Regional Leaders with GSE - 13:30-15:00
O&E with GSE, Gov Engagement (Nigel 10'), IGF, IG, CCWG IG activities and with with At-Large Fellows Mentor and Fellows,
Sub-Pro/WT5/Planning for Next Round
EPDP Phase 2
NomCom Leadership (NCRIWG LT) during ICANN 66 (try for Sunday for 20 mins). If not then schedule a meeting post ATLAS III to speak with the ALAC or ALT - to discuss rebalancing, etc.
17:00-18:30 Prep for: ATLAS III (90 mins on Sunday Afternoon with David Kolb), Board Meeting, GAC Meeting
Cybersecurity/DNS Abuse (GAC sponsored Plenary? - Yrjo and Joanna)
ATRT3 - work in progress
Groups, People and Outreach Activities to Meet during ICANN66 - Maureen Hilyard/All (15 mins)
Board - Wednesday 15:45-16:45
GAC - Joanna/Yrjo to follow up -
Tuesday afternoon, slot TBCREQUEST TO CHANGE - Open for discussion as affects ATLAS III
SSAC - 45 mins - ANY TIME over weekend as schedule NOT yet set up
ccNSO - 45 mins - Sunday 16:00-16:45
ATRT3 - Update -
Cyrus/Trang, et al.
Joint ALAC/NCSG Outreach Event - 90 mins -
in progressOLIVIER
Thursday Wrap
Goran Marby, Cherine Chalaby (last meeting as Board Chairman), Leon Sanchez
Development Session for Continuing and Incoming At-Large Leaders - Maureen Hilyard/Gisella Gruber (10 mins)
Start Session with DiSC Analysis (ask Jeanette or David Kolb)Update on invitations
Developing Agenda
Work Session for new ALT Plus - breakfast?