Wednesday, 07 August 2019
Spanish Conference ID = 1738
Zoom Room:
View file name 01. SubPro Global Public Interest as at 31.07.2019 for CPWG.pdf height 250
4.2 2 Subsequent Procedures WT5 on Geonames: A A proposal from geoTLD group to change the existing AGB string contention resolution for geonames (Tentative)
4.3 Update on Application Change Requests as at 6 August (for information)
4.4 Update on Reserved Names, Closed Generics & Registrant Protections as at 7 August (for information)4.5 Email: Subsequent Procedures WT5 on Geonames: A proposal from geoTLD group to change the existing AGB string contention resolution for geonames
5. WT5 GeoNames Scenarios (comment-only) - Jonathan Zuck and all (10 minutes)