The At-Large community discussed universal acceptance (UA), and formed two areas of consensus. First, the interests of Internet end users, particularly those using non-Latin scripts, are being undermined by a lack of universal acceptance around the world. It was therefore unanimous among those present that UA should be a priority issue for the At-Large community. Second, there was enthusiasm to experiment with At-Large community mobilization on the issue of universal acceptance. Given the worldwide challenges that a lack of UA poses, the Regional Leaders of the At-Large community committed to participating in a program of widespread outreach to end users, to engage them in testing applications and websites around the world and reporting those that fail to accept top-level domains (TLDs) longer than 3 characters, or in non-Latin scripts (International Domain Names, or IDNs). John Laprise, Vice-Chair of the ALAC and Chair of the At-Large Social Media Working Group (SMWG) will develop a plan for multi-tier Internet end user outreach and activation on universal acceptance. John will facilitate continued discussion and brainstorming in terms of audience, ask and technology for this program.
- UASG101 - Introduction to Universal Acceptance
- UASG102 - Email Address Internationalization (EAI)
- UASG 103 - Programming Language Hacks
- At-Large ICANN65 Talking Points
- At-Large ICANN64 Policy Discussions Summary
- Universal Acceptance Steering Group
- 2017 Evaluation of Websites for Acceptance of a Variety of Email Addresses - UASG017
View file name UASG-Report-UASG017.pdf height 250
Initial Brainstorming Suggestions - ICANN64 Community Forum
- There are lots of educational materials on the SG site.
- At-Large could buy a second level domain on a non-latin site and then setup infinite email addresses, e.g. John.Laprise@atlarge.ουτοπία.δπθ.gr
- At-Large could provide a list of the most popular local sites in each country: https://www.alexa.com/topsites/countries
- At-Large could even make it easy to send mail via a web client for a test and then to send a report both the the SG and the online entity from their portal.
- All this would allow At-large to more easily track how UA is doing.