RALO Requesting | Person or Group Submitting | Title of Proposal | Request Number | Description | Comments by ICANN Staff Regarding Possible Collaboration | FBSC Notes and Decision | Status |
CROSS-RALO | Eduardo Diaz on behalf of all RALOs | At-Large Livestream Broadcasting Channel | We propose that the RALO’s have full broadcast capability to help them engage with their community in a regular and systematic fashion. We propose the use of broadcasting tools such as Livestream or and ZOOM to enable the RALO’s to organize within their own regions and provide opportunities in other regions to participate when needed. The tools will enhance the effective communication amongst the ALS’s and their membership by giving them low cost broadcasting tools for in-reach and outreach Team leaders can self-organize topics of their own choice and then share with the content via Youtube, VIMEO or offline tools such as RACHEL ( see note). | Not approved for submission. HU to check if an At-Large Zoom account is available. $1k per year for a pilot. Ask IT if a license to a Livestream account is available. Ask each RALOs to chip in $200. Update: HU has sent ABR request to Meeting and Tech Support. Update: Significant legal and technical challenges with this activity. | |||
AFRALO | Mohamed Elbashir | AFRALO IGF Berlin 2019 Workshop/Participation | AFRALO have been actively participating in the previous IGFs, AFRALO organized several successful workshops in the previous IGFs. The RALO planning to organize an African Internet user/ICANN focused workshop in IGF Berlin, travel support is needed for the RALO participation in the event. | From FY19 ABR Assessment Team Report:
| Not approved for submission. Mohamed to provide more details. HU has sent reminder to Mohamed to submit completed ABR template. | ||
APRALO | Satish Babu, APRALO Chair | Participation of APRALO Leadership in IGF 2019 at Berlin, Germany, representing APRALO and ICANN At-Large | It is proposed that ICANN supports two travellers from APRALO for the 2019 IGF in Berlin, as proposed in APRALO’s Outreach Strategy for FY19. | From FY19 ABR Assessment Team Report:
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APRALO | Ali AlMeshal | The proposal seeks financial support for travel, accommodation, per diem and visa fees as applicable, for one member of the APRALO Leadership team for participation at the event. | CROP is suggested. | ||||
APRALO | Lianna Galstyan | IDN and Beyond - Final | A one-day event about the IDNs and recent development of Universal Acceptance implemented by the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) to be held in Armenia. Support would include meeting organization including travel support of speakers if funding permits. Speakers from ICANN community, UASG, IDN ccTLDs from the neighboring countries and the AP region will be invited. UASG members can make a presentation on recent developments, while the IDN ccTLD representatives will share the current situation in their corresponding Registries. Support of $3,000 is being requested. | Amount of funding being requested is being queried. GSE supportive of event. Consider using RALO Discretionary Funding if needed. | Ready for submission. Approved for submission. IDN event re: UA in Armenia - ask USAG and GSE. Update: Lianna requesting $3k + travel support. She will reach out to USAG. | ||
APRALO | Satish Babu | APRALO Outreach Activities at APrIGF 2019 | The Asia-Pacific Regional IGF (APrIGF) is a community event that attracts a cross-section of the IG community in the region. In 2019, the event scheduled at Vladivostok in Russia during 16-19 July 2019. APRALO proposes to conduct the following outreach/inreach activities for the At-Large community of the region, as well as for potential newcomers:
| Not approved for submission. APRALO - AprIGF - include policy activities, note it is part of ALR. | |||
EURALO | Wale Bakare | Diversity in ICANN Leadership Bodies | The diversity includes a broad range of data. To enhance diversity we need to be able to collect those data. It will be useful to gather the data both from an historical point of view and from a current and future situation. All the ICANN leadership bodies can be concerned but the first one to be discuss (as the data are already collected and in the last mile to be analyzed) can/must be the Board of ICANN. In future steps (specifically going to a workshop during 2019 IGF) we will need to take into account other leadership bodies of other Internet Governance structure (Internet Society, IETF, IGF MAG…). Workshop's themes: - what is Diversity (based on the WS2 ccwg-ICANN accountability document)? - what are the data that need to be collected? - evolution of diversity in various ICANN leadership groups - how to enhance diversity in ICANN leadership groups? Research/Study and Meeting EURALO/At Large/other SO/AC joint workshop at one ICANN6x (FY2020) Travel Support: Additional one person from EURALO, one from At-Large and one per body concerned will get involved in this workshop. And 3 people to IGF 2019. | Not approved for submission. | |||
EURALO | Wale Bakare | Support participation of individual users in EURALO | An association has been created to provide a home for the individual users in EURALO. This association has now grown and has about 40 members. The need is to support the management of the discussions among EURALO individual users about the policy development activities while at the same time promote the association in order to enlarge the number of participating individual users. In detail, the following activities have been identified:
Support being requested: EURALO Support Staff and promotional materials. | Staff support through normal responsibilities. Promotional items through RALO Discretionary funding. Not approved for submission. | |||
EURALO | Wale Bakare | Internet-of-Things (IoT) and the Increasing Governance Challenge Ahead - Workshop at the 2019 IGF | This is a request for support of a EURALO Workshop at the 2019 IGF. The IoT evolution includes a broad range of industries, including the automotive, finance, consumer electronic devices, retail services, manufacturing, agriculture and other sectors important for sustainable development of the humanity. Central to the solutions and deployments of IoT is unified communication. The unified communication relies heavily on the All-IP-Based scheme for end-to-end delivery of IoT solutions. All-IP-Based Deployment: what about the Internet architecture evolution? All things Internet rely on implementation and deployment as a set of unified protocols, numbering and addressing. What is the role of numbering and naming in IoT environment? Workshop's themes: - what is IoT, how to move the public perception from “smart coffee machine” to industry 4.0? - evolution of IoT protocols and networks and impact on governance - IoT (small and big) data parsing, building behaviour models and future risks to privacy of individuals - cross border IoT (IIoT) data exchange and role of governments - Critical infrastructure: bikes vs. nuclear plants. How do we manage critical objects? Do we really want to connect everything to the Internet? - IP-less communications: All-IP-Based is not a religion, but business approach. At what conditions is there no need to All-IP-Based devices? - Proprietary protocols and war of standards. ISO vs RFC, history repeats or lessons learned? Support being requested: Leadership/speaker - Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond, speakers - Wale Bakare and Andrei Kolesnikov, Bastiaan Gosling The fund requests travel support for $10,000. | From FY19 ABR Assessment Team Report:
| Not approved for submission. | ||
LACRALO | Sergio Salinas Porto | The objective is to make a workshop online and also transmitted via streaming (Adobe Connect or Zoom) in each of the subregions on 4 global issues under discussion within ICANN and ways to get involved in them. The topics will be presented by members of the At-Large Community (5 RALOs), orienting the entire community of the Latin American and Caribbean region that has not yet been involved in ICANN or in Internet Governance issues. The days prior to the South School Internet Governance to be held in 2020 will be chosen, which is expected to be carried out in the Latin American region, which will allow all the ALSes in the region to call in person their members and the general public. Each ALS may coordinate a location within universities or meeting spaces to invite access to the workshop through online transmission. We are requesting support for travel, accommodation and per diem for a minimum of 4 speakers who might need to move from their place of residence to another city with the ability to transmit efficiently and others for their transfer to the South School Internet Governance as they will also participate as speakers in that event. | Call to be set up with LACRALO Leadership, Rodrigo de la Parra, SV and HU. | Approved for submission following discussion with ICANN staff. Summary of call with Sergio, Harold and staff:
Call with LACRALO Regional Leadership and ICANN staff planned. (Completed) Online workshop for four sub-regions. Consider using CB sub group to develop ICANN LEARN course and hold virtual course/webinar followed by a small F2F session at March 2020 meeting in Cancun. | |||
NARALO | Glenn McKnight | At-Large Policy Advice Development Writing Course/Workshop - Final | Our goal is to increase the skill set of At-Large members in the ICANN policy and policy advice comment process. This would facilitate their ability to draft effective, well-crafted policy advice statement for both ALAC contributions to the ICANN Public Comment process as well as increase the individual contributions to ICANN Public Comments. We are requesting a course consisting of a series of sessions, including a combination of a face-to-face (f2f) workshop and online modules, led by key subject matter experts within At-Large with approximately 25-35 participants with up to 4 At-Large subject matter experts. The course would require the design and creation of an online, using ICANN LEARN, and f2f At-Large Policy Advice Development Course/Workshop, designed to develop skills within the At-Large community to prepare policy advice comments, provide constructive and critical feedback on policy issues and learn more about the policy shepherding process at ICANN. The online course would be used as a perquisite for At-Large members attending the third At-Large Summit (ATLAS III) during ICANN66 in Montreal. The f2f workshop, held during ATLAS III, would be offered to those who wish to improve their policy advice development writing skills. This course is closely connected to Issue 2 of the At-Large Review Implementation Plan that focuses on increasing the policy engagement of At-Large members, ALS members and individuals. Background ICANN has funded the creation and delivery of a Policy Writing Course for NCUC. The NCUC course was structured into two parts. Two separate remote webinars, one hour each and a face to face meeting in San Juan, PR during ICANN61. Forty people attended the two webinars and unknown f2f attendance. Without a post survey isn't unknown on what parts they liked or disliked. | Ready for submission. Approved for submission. | |||
NARALO | Loris Taylor | North American Indigenous Fellowship | To realize an authentic “One Internet, One World” all must be at the table. Until recently, American Indians and Alaskan Natives were not at the table, much less, a part of the conversation. Native Public Media, Inc. (NPM) is the inaugural Native American member in the ICANN At-Large Community and advocates for the interests of 573 federally recognized tribes in the United States. It is important that the Native American stakeholders are present not only to educate and engage others in the decision-making process and to create relationships that ignite unique idea generations that benefit all at ICANN meetings, but ultimately, to share with those represented in their indigenous communities. Most assume that a developed country like the U.S. would have close to 100% Internet access rates. The reality is quite the opposite in certain demographics, such as Indian Country. In the United States, broadband penetrates less than 10% of Indian Country, according to anecdotal data provided by the Federal Communications Commission. One in three families on some tribal reservations have access to analog telephone and only 59 of 573 tribes are licensed to operate a radio station. With slim access numbers like these, it is important that Native American stakeholders are a part of the discussion, so all realities are included when decisions are made. As an information hub for tribal nations, it is imperative that we continue to build on the momentum created in 2016, the Global Indigenous Fellowship, and essential to return back to the original focus of engaging Indigenous peoples from North America. In an era where broadband and the Internet are core to the world’s economy, education, public safety, and general well-being, it is crucial that populations that are the most invisible, unserved or underserved are represented at ICANN. The next win-win step is for NPM to build a critical mass of Indigenous representations and engagement on the international forums that ICANN provides. Support being requested: Term: July 2019 – July 2020. NPM requests a commitment to equally support Indigenous Fellowships within the framework of the ICANN Fellowship program. NPM seeks travel support for two Indigenous Fellows to attend ICANN66 November 2-7, 2019 in Montreal, Canada; and the ICANN67 Community Forum, March 7-12, 2020 in Cancun, Mexico. Additionally, NPM requests the North American Indigenous Fellowship be mentored at ICANN by an indigenous representative. | Not submit. Call held with ER, SV and LT to discuss request and potential promotion of Fellows in indigenous communities. It was agreed that no ABR would be required as the activity will be followed up on with through promoting the Fellowship Program as well as the Next Gen Program to Indigenous communities in North America. LT to work with AC and AC as well. HU sent LT follow up questions. LT responded. HU to incorporate into the proposal. Questions and answers from HU to LT: Q. How does this request build on the previous indigenous fellowship program? A. While this proposal is scaled back to indigenous applicants from Canada’s First Nations and the U.S. American Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages, it still has the same vision and mission. The vision is that indigenous people share the power of digital self-governance. Our mission is to support the Internet self-governance of Canada’s First Nations and U.S. American Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages. As such, the vision is all inclusive. However, the mission is scaled to specific indigenous communities Native Public Media already works with and supports. “Scaling” is about how much NPM can bite off and chew dependent on human and financial resources. Q. How would the graduates of the first program feed into this new program? A. The alumni of the first program are all excellent candidates to help foster and mentor the program. Q. What have the indigenous fellows/mentors from the initial program done to promote At-Large and ICANN in their communities since their time in the program? A. I am only familiar with the post activities of the Native fellows. April Tinhorn (Hualapai Nation) has gone on to engage her Native and entrepreneurial intellect with the ICANN business sector and visited China and other places in 2018. Valerie Fasthorse (Coeur D’Alene Nation) is the Coeur D’Alene Tribe’s Information Technology Director and has used her ICANN experience as a fellow to direct her Tribe to engage at an increased level in telecommunications and Internet self-governance. Chyloe Healy (Kainai First Nation) participated in the 2018 Rights Con and spoke about the fellowship and continues to work on behalf of Canada’s First Nations as a data analyst at the Alberta First Nations Governance Centre. Native Public Media continues to inform the National Congress of American Indians of the ICANN fellowship often in cooperation with former fellows. Q.Also, I believe that the Fellowship is now open to indigenous communities within North America. The NPM proposal specified Canada’s First Nations and the U.S. American Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages. Could indigenous people apply to the existing Fellowship Program? I’m guessing that this question is whether other indigenous peoples can apply beyond the U.S Tribes and Canada’s First Nations. A more global approach would be up to ICANN. At Native Public Media, we are focused on a scaled approach so that the fellowship works in a way that will allow us to track past Native alumni and whether their contributions to Tribal and First Nations is impactful. If ICANN decides that a more global approach is desired, internal mechanisms at ICANN that can help to track and ascertain how question number 1 can be answered, will have to be established. NPM as an ALS is willing to help track the indigenous communities we have specified in our current proposal but we are not set-up to track on a higher international scale. Q. Could we ask that the graduates of the initial program work with the new At-Large Fellowship Selection Committee representative (Alfredo Calderon) to ensure that indigenous people are considered for Fellowships? A. A question for ICANN. | |||
NARALO | Glenn McKnight | Second North American School of Internet Governance (NASIG) - Final | To organize and deliver the SECOND NORTH AMERICAN SCHOOL OF INTERNET GOVERNANCE (NASIG) two days before the commencement of ICANN Montreal on October 31 and Nov 1, 2019. This would be a two-day capacity building event to provide in-depth knowledge of Internet Governance (IG) issues to an approximately 40 individuals from ATLARGE. It will consist of 10 sessions covering IG topics that will be surveyed early in 2019 to determine and prioritize the topics to be covered. The SECOND NASIG is our second year and the only School of Internet Governance in North America. We are requesting travel, lodging and per diem support for a minimum of 6 speakers which will augment the pool of local speakers. We will strive to find speakers that will be already supported by ICANN to participate in the ICANN 66 meeting in which case only lodging and per diem support will be required for the additional days. We also request the two extra days of accommodation for the students who are attending ATLAS lll after the event. The NASIG will be held Oct 31 and Nov 1, 2019 This is two days before the initiation of the ICANN 66 (November 3-8, 2019). . There will be opportunities for Q&A, coffee breaks (morning and afternoon), lunch and social events A closing reception will occur on Nov 2 as a closure of NASIG and the launch of ATLAS 3. | Approved for Submission Tentative approval from FBSC pending call with Chris Mondini (asking for $5k to $10k). GM to contact Chris Mondini to discuss. (Call being set up). |