The thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) will be hosted by the Government of France at the headquarters of the UNESCO in Paris from 12 to 14 November 2018.
Key Workspaces
- IGF 2018 Website
- Host website (with useful logistical information)
- Final List of IGF 2018 Workshops
- Final List of IGF 2018 Open Forums
- List of At-Large and ICANN-related Workshops
- At-Large ALS/ISOC Chapter Booth at IGF2018 - Sign up to volunteer!
- At-Large Persons attending IGF2018 in Paris
- The Call for IGF 2018 Remote Hubs is open until 15 October
- At-Large at the 2018 IGF - Sights and Sounds
At-Large at the 2018 IGF - Reports
ICANN/At-Large Organized Events
IGF 2018 WS #45 1.3 Billion Reasons for Making Technology Accessible
APRALO member : Gunela Astbrink
IGF 2018 WS #186 Local content: a unique opportunity for underserved regions
AFRALO Tijani BEN JEMAA, Civil Society, African GroupMonday, 12 November
Tuesday, 13 November
Wednesday, 14 November
NARALO Destiny Tchéhouali, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
IGF 2018 WS #224 The Past, the Present and the Future for Multistakeholderism
EURALO Sandra Hoferichter, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
IGF 2018 WS #275 Before you know it, Internet governance will be irrelevant
Date | Time | WS # | LInk | Title | Organizer | ATLARGE Participants |
227 | | Blockchain | Olga Cavalli Walid Al Saqif Glenn McKnight | |||
366 | | Proliferation, Cyber Stability and State Responsibility | University Paris 8 | Joanna Kulesza |