Welcome (Heidi Ullrich & Alan Greenberg - 2 mins)
ALAC Chair Introduction (Alan Greenberg - 3 mins)
- APRALO Leadership Introductions (Satish Babu, Lianna Galstyan, Pavan Budhrani, Maureen Hilyard, Ali Almeshal, Holly Raiche, Kaili Kan - 6 mins)
- APRALO ALSes and Individual Member Introductions (TBD - 5 mins)
- At-Large Staff Introductions (Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Yeşim Nazlar, Evin Erdoğdu, Mario Aleman - 4 mins)
- Introduction to At-Large: Organizational Structure, Working Groups, Get Involved (Heidi Ullrich - 4 mins)
- Wiki and Website overview, Communications and Resources, Polcy Advice (Ariel Liang - 4 mins)
- RALO Overview and typical RALO Structure (Silvia Vivanco - 4 mins)
- ICANN meetings and ICANN59 Schedule, AC Room Logistics (Gisella Gruber - 4 mins)
- ALS Overview (Evin Erdoğdu - 2 mins)
- Outreach and Engagement at ICANN59 (Mario Aleman - 2 mins)
- How to engage in APRALO (Satish Babu, APRALO LT - 20 mins)
- Overall introduction to APRALO and our ways of doing things (Satish, 2 min)
- ALS and Member Engagement (Ali/Lianna, 5 min)
- Policy Participation: What are the priority areas, how individuals /ALS representatives can participate in ICANN policy processes (Maureen/Kaili, 5)
- ALS Minimum Requirements (Pavan/Satish, 3 min)
- Capacity Building Presentation (Holly, 5 mins)
- Q&A (Evin Erdoğdu, Moderator / All to answer - 30 mins)