- Ariel Liang to add the list of unaffiliated member count for the three RALOs that accept individuals to the ALAC agenda.
- Silvia Vivanco and Ariel Liangto re-activate the de-certification processs for NARALO ALSes.
- Gisella Gruber to schedule At-Large review Webinar with ITEMs for the Week of Feb 6th. (to be scheduled independently from the Working party meetings)
- holly.raiche to send out email to ALAC internal with a question, anybody wishing to participate in the working party to send email.
- The At-Large Working Party calls to be scheduled for each week in February: weeks of the 6th, 13th, 20th and the 27th (Monday or Tuesday). Support Staff to send individual Doodles for each call.
- Ariel Liang to set up a wiki page the week of 30 January for the Public Comment of the At-Large Review. to collect comments. A Google doc of the ALAC Statement to be added to this page so that people can add comments directly.