The ICANN At-Large community accepts memberships from organisations/ groups and Individuals from certain regions. Becoming a member of the ICANN At-Large community is easy, free and can be done through the following ways;
Organizations and groups that support Internet users to participate in ICANN related Internet governance issues can apply to become members of ICANN At-Large community through becoming an At-Large Structure(ALS). The following are the organisations or groups that can become At-Large structures;
How to become an accredited At-Large Structure (ALS)
To become an accredited ALS you need to submit a completed application form. After you submit the application, it will go through some evaluation, processing and certification with reference to the At-Large Structure guidelines. The process is carried out in a transparent manner and you can track the status of your application here. The application form specific to your language of choice can be found here.
Individual Membership
An individual can become a member of the At-Large community by;
Becoming a member of an At-Large structure (ALS)
Registering your organisation to become an ALS
Joining your Regional At-Large Organisation(RALO) as an individual member, but this is only available in certain regions only (NARALO and EURALO). Click here for more information.