Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement Call taking place on Tuesday, 20 September 2016 at 06:00 UTC
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Heidi Ullrich:@Dev, the call did occur.
Siranush Vardanyan:hi all
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Siranush!
Heidi Ullrich:Hi Siranush, our newest colleague :)
Siranush Vardanyan:hi, Heidi and Yesim;)
Heidi Ullrich:The Showcase will be a joint APRALO and Civil Society event.
Yesim Nazlar:Mirjana Tasic has joined - welcome Mirjana!
Heidi Ullrich:These Capacity Building Sessions will be open to Indian ALSes. They will be held for 4 days during the lunch time.
Yesim Nazlar:Daniel nanghaka has joined as well - welcome Daniel!
Glenn McKnight:hi
Mirjana Tasic:Hi
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Glenn!
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:Just launching the Internet Governance series an online educational resource
Daniel K. Nanghaka:I signed up for it Glenn
Daniel K. Nanghaka:thanks Yesim
Satish Babu:Thanks for the suggesstion, Tijani
Glenn McKnight:I have attendd the Southern School of IE and the African School of IE in both cases nothing was mentined about At Large etc. Given the leads we shouls see in this case a more balance
Glenn McKnight:Note that one of the High Interest Topics for ICANN 57 includes Internet Governance
Daniel K. Nanghaka:I agree with you Glenn we could suggest sessions for that
Heidi Ullrich:@Satish, is there a list of the ALSes that are confirmed for coming to ICANN 57?
Maureen Hilyard:@Heidi, Gisella is compiling a list
Heidi Ullrich:We will need the Rep's name, ALS and location.
Maureen Hilyard:we are getting email addresses, etc
Heidi Ullrich:Will the capacity building sessions be open to them ?
Maureen Hilyard:yes
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks.
Glenn McKnight:Me too Dev
Glenn McKnight:I am filming all the sessions
Heidi Ullrich:The Capacity Building events will conflict with the Fellowship sessions I believe...
Glenn McKnight:John Laprise will be there
Heidi Ullrich:
Maureen Hilyard:Aren't capacity building sessions during lunchtimes?
Gisella Gruber:Capacity Building Sessions are scheduled 12:45-13:45
Gisella Gruber:Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
Maureen Hilyard:Gisella.. when is the Showcase?
Heidi Ullrich:Sunday, 6th November
Maureen Hilyard:Thank you :)
Glenn McKnight:Video PLAYLIST Internet Governance
Satish Babu:Thanks for the support, Glenn!!
Yesim Nazlar:Aris Ignacio has joined - welcome Aris!
Glenn McKnight:usbs, literature m, banner etc
Aris Ignacio:hello everyone! hello Yesim..
Maureen Hilyard:Hi Aris
Aris Ignacio:Hello Maureen! :-)
Tijani BEN JEMAA:is there a link to the India summer school?
Adam Peake (ICANN Staff):
Tijani BEN JEMAA:thx Adam
Glenn McKnight:APRALO Brochures
Aris Ignacio:@Dev the academia being part of At-Large will be a great step
Glenn McKnight:we dont have a document tailored only to civil society
Heidi Ullrich:Keep in mind that academia is part of the Civil Society Engagement activities. Also, At-Large has many academics within its community.
Adam Peake (ICANN Staff):India Institute of Technology (IIT-H), and National Law University (NALSAR) are the main universities we (staff) talking to at the moment.
Glenn McKnight:We don't rreally have clear brochure on Working Groups
Adam Peake (ICANN Staff):NALSAR unfortunately closed for holidays while we are there, some post-grads expected to attend.
Glenn McKnight:yes,
Adam Peake (ICANN Staff):IIT-H is over one hour drive from the conference center.
Glenn McKnight:the message from NCUC resonates more with Academia
Satish Babu:That would be good, if possible...
Adam Peake (ICANN Staff):And we will be contacting a local business school and other law university.
Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, there are many academics within At-Large - Holly, Carlton, Humberto, etc.
Tijani BEN JEMAA:Aziz, Mona, etc...
Tijani BEN JEMAA:a lot
Heidi Ullrich:Are you focusing only on lecturers/professors/researchers or other academic staff?
Aris Ignacio:I think other people from the academia besides the lecturers, etc. should be given consideration
Heidi Ullrich:I would think that one of the sessions should focus on the O/E activities at At-Large...
Satish Babu:Sorry about the hand..
Heidi Ullrich:Could invite GSE staff - from APAC Hub
Satish Babu:Some glitch..unable to lower the hand...
Glenn McKnight:i think it's a good idea to provide a simple document to the links to each of the topic speakers
Gisella Gruber:AFRALO NGO Program:
Glenn McKnight:We converted a number of topics into ebooks
Glenn McKnight:It was one of the largest attended sessions
Glenn McKnight:unclear on the question
Glenn McKnight:noise
Siranush Vardanyan:Dev, I have joined from the hotel and the internet is very slow, at this point fellowship and next genn is in the process of planning
Glenn McKnight:next gen not fellows
Siranush Vardanyan:next genn will meet to at large
Siranush Vardanyan:not able to speak
Maureen Hilyard:@Heidi - another Next Gen session similar to the one in Helsinki would be a great idea.
Yesim Nazlar:@Siranush: We'll be dialing out to you
Siranush Vardanyan:Yesim, no phones now, I am in LA and my local phone does not work here :(
Glenn McKnight:|Not all the fellows are interested. Look ata the list and about 20% are from Civil society
Yesim Nazlar:@Siranush: sorry to hear that - thanks for letting us know
Gisella Gruber:There are no morning sessions
Satish Babu:Ranjit
Satish Babu:Oops, sorry...
Heidi Ullrich:It might be useful to have more follow up with Fellows identifying with At-Large/Civil Society to see if they are interested in joining.
Adam Peake (ICANN Staff):fellows for Hyderabad listed here
Heidi Ullrich:more institutionalized interaction and fellowship - but organized.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:absolutely agree with Glenn!
Adam Peake (ICANN Staff):some self identify as end-user
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Olivier someone agrees with me
Heidi Ullrich:Perhaps members of this group could do outreach at the Newcomers/ICANN info booth.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Speak for yopurselves OCL I mingle
Maureen Hilyard:@Glenn.. I agree with you Glenn :)
Maureen Hilyard:We should follow Cheryl's lead..
Satish Babu:Me too Glenn :-)
Glenn McKnight:Rfik, Bill, Wendy, Robin, Breudan etc etc
Heidi Ullrich:Perhaps there could be identified point people to handle interested persons interested. So others could direct them to these point people
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:But your point is well made Glenn
Maureen Hilyard:That's why I think my "Talk to me... " buttons are important
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I promise to wear it AND of course to talk Maureen ;-)
Glenn McKnight:We have two fellows from NARALO ie. Tribal Ambassadors. We are going to lean on them to help be secret shoppers
Maureen Hilyard:Sorry.. that was an APRALO comment.. thank you Cheryl
Glenn McKnight:Let me know I can make up a bunch of buttons. A ALARGE Logo and slogan. How many?
Satish Babu:That's an important topic, Tijani. +1
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Maureens Idea I am just complying
Glenn McKnight:yes they are our secret shoppers
Maureen Hilyard:@Glenn.. APRALO wants "Ask me about APRALO" to start conversations
Glenn McKnight:Diid works for me
Heidi Ullrich:Is this ok: APRALO leadership to contact Glenn regarding the production of "Ask me about APRALO" and "Ask me about At-Large" buttons
Glenn McKnight:i will make 20 buttons
Glenn McKnight:send me the APRALO logo
Maureen Hilyard:Its got to be red for APRALO, Glenn
Satish Babu:Thanks and bye!!
Yesim Nazlar:Thank you all for your participation!
Siranush Vardanyan:bye all
Maureen Hilyard:Thanks Dev
Adam Peake (ICANN Staff):thank you. Bye
Heidi Ullrich:Bye!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Bye
Aris Ignacio:bye and thanks!