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At ICANN 55 at Marrakech, there is a Tuesday March 8 2016 slot between 14:00 and 18:30. A shuttle bus has been reserved for At-Large at this time.


TimeActivityPerson In-charge
Before 17:00Arrival of the Students at the ICANN Venue to collect badges, lanyards and bagsAziz, Gisella, Alami Youssef, Kensi Ahmed, Abdelamajid Abdelmajid Fadil
17:30Transport ICANN Venue to Hotel(s) (TBC) in Marrakech of students from the Institut National des Postes et Télecommunications (INPT) and the Institut Superieur de l'Information et de la Communication in RabatAlami Youssef, Kensi Ahmed, Abdelamajid Abdelmajid Fadil
Evening Dinner at the Hotel(s) included in the Hotel rates 


Accompagnateurs: Alami Youssef, Kensi Ahmed, M. Abdelamajid Abdelmajid Fadil, directeur de l'ISIC


TimeActivityPerson In-charge
07:15Transport from the Hotel(s) to the ICANN VenueAlami Youssef, Kensi Ahmed
Registration of the students from the Institut National des Postes et Télecommunications (INPT) and the Institut Superieur de l'Information et de la Communication at the ICANN Venue & Obtain badges (IF not done on Sunday evening)
Staff & designated Outreach members
08:30-09:45Welcome & President's Opening SessionAll
09:45-10:15Coffee Break
Interview with Jana Juginovic for an ICANN Newsletter article
11:30-13:45Lunch - Students to purchase on site at their own expense
Breakout into the various afternoon sessions (TBD once ICANN Schedule published). Division of groups will be done ahead of the ICANN Meeting by Aziz. Session reports will be provided by students.
Aziz and designated Outreach members
17:00-18:30Public ForumAll
19:00-20:30Tribute to Fadi Chehadé and AFRALO Showcase

Transport from the ICANN Venue to the Hotel(s)

Dinner at the Hotel(s) included in the room rates

Alami Youssef, Kensi Ahmed
