ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement
Date: Thursday, 14 January 2016
1. Welcome and Roll Call (2 mins)
2. Review
of ICANN Meeting Schedule for Marrakech (10 mins)
At-Large ICANN Civil Society Engagement Draft Document - Update and Discussion with Jean-Jacques Sahel, Regional VP, Europe and Adam Peak, Senior Manager
See also At-Large ICANN Civil Society Engagement in Fiscal Year 2016 Workspace
- FeedbackonCivilEngagement.pdf
4. Ideas for Engagement Strategies (30 mins) - Dev Anand Teelucksingh
See also Get Involved Mock-Up for the New At-Large Website
- Get Involved Infographic
5. FY 17 Budget proposals (15 minutes) - Dev Anand Teelucksingh
See Also Budget Ideas for FY17 (O&E)
6. Updated Outreach and Engagement Materials- (10 minutes) Dev Anand Teelucksinghand At-Large Staff
Updated Text to Beginner Guide to At-Large Structures available for review . SeeRedline Version - Beginner's Guide to At-Large Structures (ALSes)
Updating the RALO brochures in FY16
Possible Outreach and Engagement Opportunities for Marrakech
- what are ICANN GSE planning? ; should an At-Large group go out to meet persons and/or should we have persons come to the ICANN venue?