Call management: Gisella Gruber
ES Interpreters: Sabrina
A G E N D A:
1. Welcome and Roll Call (2 mins)
2. Review of ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach 2015-09-08 Action Items (2 mins)
3. Selection of regional cochair from EURALO (AFRALO, APRALO, NARALO and LACRALO already selected) (2 mins)
4. Selection of a EURALO regional member from this Outreach and Engagement SC to serve on the At-Large Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program Review Team (CROPP RT) for FY16 (mid-August 2015 to June 2016) (2 mins)
4. Review of RALO Outreach Strategies for FY16: (20 10 mins)
- AFRALO - http://bitly.com/AFRALO-Outreach-FY16 - DANIEL NANGHAKA
- AFRALO -Outreach-and-Engagement-2016.pdfOutreach Strategic Plan DRAFT
- AFRALO-Dashboard-Country-breakdowns.pdf
- AFRALO-Outreach-Calendar.pdf
- LACRALO - http://bitly.com/LACRALO-Outreach-FY16 - Dev Anand Teelucksingh
- LACRALO -Outreach-and-Engagement-Strategy-2016.pdfOutreach Strategic Plan DRAFT
- LACRALO-Dashboard-Country-breakdowns.pdf
- LACRALO-Calendar.pdf
- EURALO - http://bitly.com/EURALO-Outreach-FY16 - wolf.ludwig
- updates from NARALO NARALO Outreach Strategic Plan DRAFT - Glenn McKnight
- updates from APRALO APRALO Outreach Strategic Plan - Maureen
5. Review of selected ATLAS II Recommendations (25 mins)
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6. First steps on developing Engagement Strategies
- Post ATLAS II Implementation - Outreach & Engagement
- Review of the Redline Version - Beginner's Guide to At-Large Structures (ALSes) update being done by At-Large Staff
- At-Large ICANN Civil Society Engagement in Fiscal Year 2016 Workspace
6. Ideas for Engagement Strategies (10 mins)
7. Next meeting and AOB. Agenda for Outreach and Engagement SC Dublin meeting (2 mins)