Call management: Terri Agnew
ES Interpreters: Sabrina
A G E N D A:
1. Welcome and Roll Call (2 mins)
2. Review of ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach 2015-08-17 Action Items (5 2 mins)
3. Selection of regional cochairs cochair from EURALO (AFRALO, EURALOAPRALO, NARALO (APRALO and LACRALO already selected) (5 2 mins)
4. Review of RALO Outreach Strategies for FY16 - NARALO ; next steps for AFRALO, EURALO, LACRALO (15 mins)
5. Selection of a EURALO regional member from this Outreach and Engagement SC to serve on the At-Large Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program Review Team (CROPP RT) for FY16 (mid-August 2015 to June 2016) (10 (2 mins)
4. Review of RALO Outreach Strategies for FY16: (20 mins)
6. Proposed immediate work items/objectives for remainder of 2015 :
a. Group calendaring and how At-Large can work with the Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) to track possible Outreach events in our 5 regions. (10 mins)
- AFRALO - http://bitly.com/AFRALO-Outreach-FY16 - DANIEL NANGHAKA
- LACRALO - http://bitly.com/LACRALO-Outreach-FY16 - Dev Anand Teelucksingh
- EURALO - http://bitly.com/EACRALO-Outreach-FY16 - wolf.ludwig
- updates from NARALO - Glenn McKnight
- updates from APRALO - Maureen
5. Review of selected ATLAS II Recommendations (25 mins)
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6. First steps on developing Engagement Strategies (10 mins)
7. Next meeting and AOB. (5 2 mins)