- anthony.niiganii to suggest alternative colors of fonts that can both cater to visually impaired users and work well on lighter shades
- Heidi Ullrich & Ariel Liang to speak with Communications Department to understand whether the At-Large logo can be modified for the web; if yes, can Olivier’s suggestion be implemented
- Taskforce to decide on featured links inside the purple “Get Started;” ideas include links to the capacity building materials page, calendar, etc.
- Taskforce to continue the discussion about the appropriate graphic to replace the policy advice development pipeline; Laura Bengford, Steve Allison & Ariel Liang to speak with the vendor and/or the internal teams to further explore graphic options
- Taskforce to discuss alternative views for the map inside the Regional Activities & Outreach band
- Ariel Liang work with Communications Department to develop talking points for hot-topic interviews during ICANN 52
- Alan Greenberg & Olivier Crépin-Leblond to review Ariel’s sample writing and give comments and suggestions