Dial out participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Maureen Hilyard,
Apologies: Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Fatimata Seye Sylla,
Call management:
3. Preparation/Discussion of DRAFT Proposal to the ALAC based on a harmonization of Main Cross RALO {inclusive of Leadership and ALSes} performance expectations/items/issues: (45 - 55 mins)
a. Key Points:
*Percentages of Meetings to be attended
- 50% to 75%
- 75% to 85%
- 85% +
*Classification(s) of ALAC/RALO/ALS Meetings and Activities
*Quorum Issues
*Parity in roles
*Apology and Leave of Absences
*Exception Rules and Requests
- Contributions to Policy and ICANN Specific Activity {including Outreach etc.,}
- Contributions to RALO Specific Activities and Requirements
- Consequences of below 'Par' performance
- Remedial Action
- Restrictions
- Voting Rights
- Representational Rights
- Travel Support
- Other
- Appeals Mechanisms
- Reparation
b. Staged Implementation (discuss benefits and limitations of such)
c. Sub Committees
see Wiki Page for DRAFT development and Community Comment
4. Next Steps Preparing for next Jan 8th, 2015 at 1700 UTC meeting ( 5 mins)
- Metrics – ALAC, RALO, and ALS Metric Expectations and Requirements Workspace
- RALOs current activities re METRICs: