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No.RecommendationRecipientThematic Group SourceAssigneesStatus
15ICANN should examine the possibility of modifying its legal structure befitting a truly global organization, and examine appropriate legal and organizational solutions.ICANN BoardTG2
  • IANA Transition & ICANN Accountability

titleOn HOldComplete
- Pending External ProcessPending the outcome of WS2Response Required




    • Part of the CCWG Accountability's work (e.g. proposal of the single membership model) deals with the legal structure; 
    • Some areas of the legal discussions (e.g. whether the ICANN headquarter should be within the US) will not take place until Work Stream 2 or even later. 

    • Most of the CCWG Accountability's work is addressing organizational solution
    • It seems that this topic (i.e. jurisdiction issues) will be addressed in WS2 
    • Jurisdiction issue is one of the most significant topics in CCWG-Accountability WS2

    • At-Large members should be encouraged to participate in WS2