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No.RecommendationRecipientThematic Group SourceAssigneesStatus
17ICANN needs to be sensitive to the fact that social media are blocked in certain countries and, in conjunction with technical bodies, promote credible alternativesICANN GSE Staff; ICANN CIIOTG2
  • Technology Taskforce
  • Social Media





    • Social Media WG assignees of this Rec to do the reporting 




Input from Social Media Working Group: 

  • Review the social media platforms blocked in certain countries/regions (e.g. & alternative platforms local to those countries/regions 
  • Assignees (Beran Dondeh GillenBukola FawoleMurray McKercher, Glenn McKnight) to research alternative social media platforms in countries that block Facebook, Twitter, and/or YouTube & report back to the group via mailing list and future WG call
  • Assignees to to contact the citizen lab and find out previous research on this subject
  • Glenn McKnight to follow up with the other assignees on this Rec 
  • Ariel Liang & Murray McKercherto explore ICANN's Wechat account 

    • ICANN has launched Wechat and YouKu accounts to reach audience in mainland China 
    • Slack can separate conversations based on topics via hashtags and do search of the messages globally. Slack is a good alternative tool for internal communications of the community, especially At-Large. Skype has various challenges, as it can easily loose chat history. Slack has a great mechanism for retaining chat history. It also has various add-ons/integration with other tools. 


Input from Technology Taskforce: 
