ICANN needs to be sensitive to the fact that social media are blocked in certain countries and, in conjunction with technical bodies, promote credible alternatives
Technology Taskforce
Social Media
Social Media WG assignees of this Rec to do the reporting
Input from Social Media Working Group:
Review the social media platforms blocked in certain countries/regions (e.g.http://citizenlab.org/) & alternative platforms local to those countries/regions
ICANN has launched Wechat and YouKu accounts to reach audience in mainland China
Slack can separate conversations based on topics via hashtags and do search of the messages globally. Slack is a good alternative tool for internal communications of the community, especially At-Large. Skype has various challenges, as it can easily loose chat history. Slack has a great mechanism for retaining chat history. It also has various add-ons/integration with other tools.
At-Large Social Media WG is researching alternative social media platforms where traditional ones are blocked.
While the TTF considered listing several platforms/services that allow access to blocked services, it was felt that even listing such services could be construed as endorsing breaking of national laws, irrespective of whether we (global At-Large) think such laws/restrictions are unjust.