Transcript: EN ES FR
1. Introduction: Review of Dublin Action Items:
- With regards to the recommendation 28 RALO, Survey, Heidi Ullrich to investigate if there is in house expertise within ICANN staff for building professional surveys.
- With regards to implementation of ATLAS II Recommendation 31, TTF to be in touch with Bogdan Manolea, (Association for Technology and Internet Romania on the simple tools and methods to facilitate participation in public comments, and the use of crowdsourcing.
- Silvia Vivanco and Gisella Gruber to organize the Regional Secretariat meeting to meet 2 or 3 times before Marrakech.
2. ATLAS II Recommendations addressed to RALOs- Review of progress - Olivier: 10 mins
Recommendation 28 - https://community.icann.org/x/XJZCAw - RALO Survey and next steps.
3. At Large Website beta version - Ariel and all- 30 mins
> 4. AOB.- 10