- Reached out to all ICANN accredited registrars to inform and identify those that are interested in the work of the CWG as well as the IANA Stewardship Transition as a whole.
- Within the Registrar stakeholder group (RrSG), there have been regular updates, summaries and discussions as the CWG has progressed.
- The RrSG has also formed a small internal group to summarize the work to date of the CWG to all Registrars, as well as to provide feedback on the published draft proposal.
Outreach and Engagement by NCSG (GNSO) members and participants
- In NCSG various level of drafts have been sent to the NCSG Discuss list that all members and member reps are subscribed to.
- There is a sublist of the full Discuss list for discussions, though some discussions do go on on the main Discuss list. The Stewardship sublist is open to all members and employees of members.
- NCSG have an epad open for NCSG stakeholder comments that should result in a submitted comment before the closing deadline.