- CCWG-ACCT Process & Timeline
4. AOB
These high-level notes are designed to help you navigate through content of the call and do not substitute in any way the transcript.
- Kavouss Arasteh - Avri Doria - Christopher Wilkinson not in AC
- IGF will be addressed in A.O.B.
- Principles agenda item is postponed
Steps toward Chartering Organizations' endorsement of our proposal
We will submit our recommendations to Chartering Organizations when posting them for public comment.
Refer to paragraphs SO/AC support for the Draft Proposal and Supplemental Draft Proposal from Charter https://community.icann.org/display/acctcrosscomm/Charter
Per our timeline we will submit our draft proposal in November. We need to prepare SO/ACs for this proposal so that we may be in a position to assess whether our draft proposal has been approved by all or whether we need to issue a supplemental proposal which in turn might lead to adoption during month of January. Intersessional might be an option, as needed by COs. CoChairs have been invited to SO/AC leadership call this week to explain timeline and raise awareness for timeline responses. The plan will be to organize SO/AC specific webinars.
Process dictated by Charter
- Process could be prolonged if SO/AC approves November report but others don't or if approves section of it.
--> An option for COs will be to determine what they can adopt and what is unacceptable. See supplemental paragraph.
Report should highlight number of recommendations. We should clarify that recommendations are not for "cherry picking" but it is possible that some recommendations will not be adopted by some.
- Consider approval table for recommendations.
--> We will need to have clarification on whether endorsement/no objection. We will need to refer to precedent.
ACTION ITEM - CoChairs to examine precedent of CO approval process - positive/negative/abstention/absence of negotation
ACTION ITEM - CoChairs to explore option of a tabular form for COs approval.
CCWG-ACCT Process & Timeline
ICANN staff have secured resources to take on writing duty. Susannah Gray has been given proof of concept assignment on budget. A second resource is currently being investigated. Key principles for interaction will be according to Dublin: terms of reference, bullet points of what matters in terms of content as well as reference materials. This will be under supervision of Work Parties. They will be given opportunity to review. Approval of documents will be withing CCWG. We will encourage to focus on whether document reflects choices of group and not focus on wordsmithing. We are working on timeline with expected deliverables so we have visibility on expectations.
- Audience of report?
--> Summary of 20 pages intended for broad audience (political level etc). Core proposal will be SO/AC, ICANN community targeted. These are two levels of audience.
- Remove SO/ACs, acronyms etc in first component.
Suggestion to meet at IGF
These discussions would be held in informal environment and would not entail decision-making. They would enable us to iron out details in advance of group discussion. You are invited to fill in a form to determine who can attend so that we may make a decision as to whether or not we can hold the "gathering" - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1diDLY_uFmvqkpPmI858MfRx4_0FMTGYLMuDFm3lVT68/edit?usp=sharing
- James Gannon will be looking into RP option.
- No harm in having gathering. Suggest having a report of communications at IGF to show progress to "non-ICANNers"
- Use this opportunity to report /communicate to IGF on accountability. Not appropriate to have CCWG-ACCT discussions - decision-making without appropriate opportunity to join.
Disruptive mails on list
Continue work in a constructive way and in compliance with standards of behavior. Posting rights have been restricted. Suggestion to have restriction lifted in two weeks time and to revert to permanent restriction if still disruptive post deadline.
Action Items
ACTION ITEM - CoChairs to examine precedent of CO approval process - positive/negative/abstention/absence of negotation
ACTION ITEM - CoChairs to explore option of a tabular form for COs approval.