DATE: Tuesday, 11 March 2025TIME: 15:00 - 16:00 PTROOM: 501ICANN82 Session Link |
from Wisdom
Introduction of the participating members
Updates from the NCUC Executive Committee: ( 15 minutes)
EC Africa (AF) - Sara Ali
EC Asia Pacific (APAC) - Mili Semlani
EC Europe (EU) - Amin Hacha
EC Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) - Pedro de Perdigão Lana
EC North America (NA) - Namra Naseer
CROP recipient presentation (Usually we also have the funded CROP attendee present their engagement and learnings)
Policy update
Membership Engagement and Outreach (15-20 minutes).
where we can discuss with the participants the following points:
Strategies to increase participation in NCUC, including outreach to civil society and academia, etc.
Ideas for improving member engagement and expanding the NCUC network.
A review of recent efforts.
Open discussion
Listening to the community (members are free to suggest, raise questions or concerns on any non policy matters NCUC)