Action Items: EN/ES
Recording: EN, ES, FR, PT
Zoom Chat: EN/ES
Transcription: EN, ES, FR, PT
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19.05.22 Session 3: Infrastructure and access to underserved and rural areas |
| Agenda | Moderator | Panelists | Outcomes and Next Steps |
| Welcome to LAC Digital 2022 (5 mins) - Introduction to LAC Digital
- Objective for LAC Digital
- Overview of Sessions
| Professor Augusto Ho, Chair of LACRALO | |
| - Introduction to the Session (10 mins)
- Overview of the session
- Importance of the topic for the LAC Region
- Approach to the session
- Introduction of the Panelists
| Dr. Claire C. Craig, LACRALO Secretariat | |
| Panelist 1 (10 mins) Topic: Presentation | Ing. Martín Darío Vega Márquez Manager Digital Government of the Secretariat of Technology and Information Systems - Government of Meta -Colombia
| |
| Panelist 2 (10 mins) Topic: Presentation | Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges, Minka Digital ALS Colombia Director Comunicaciones and technology - Municipality of Manaure, La Guajira Coordinator VSIG - Spanish | |
| Panelist 3 (10 mins) Topic: Proyecto Presentation | Lic. Miguel Galeano, Secretariat of Relations with the Community of the Rioja Province - Argentina | |
| Panelist 4 (10 mins) Topic: Presentation: | Sergio Salinas Porto, President Internauta Argentina, Asociation of the Internet Users | |
| Panelist 4 (10 mins) Topic: Presentation: | Alejandro Pisanty, Professor Faculty of Chemistry - National Autonomous University of México | |
| Panelist 5 Topic: Presentation | Rubén Hilari, Jaqi Aru Bolivia | |
| Panelist 6
Topic: Presentation: | Natalie Rose, Jamaica Founder of BigUp! Jamaica, President of The Internet Society, Jamaica Chapter and Head of Dept for IT at UCC in Kingston | |
| Roundtable discussion (10 mins) | Dr. Claire C. Craig, Secretaria de LACRALO |
| Questions and Answers sessions (15 mins) | Dr. Claire C. Craig, Secretaria de LACRALO |
| Summary and Next Steps of this session (2 mins) Conclusion of LAC Digital (3 mins) | Professor Augusto Ho, Chair of LACRALO |
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19.05.22 Session 3: Infraestructura del Internet y acceso a areas rurales y en areas desatendidas | Tiempo | Agenda | Moderador | Panelistas | Resultados y Próximos Pasos |
| Bienvenida a LAC Digital 2022 (5 minutos) - Introducción a LAC Digital
- Objetivo para LAC Digital
- Descripción general de la Sesión
| Professor Augusto Ho, Presidente de LACRALO | |
| | Dr. Claire C. Craig, Secretaria de LACRALO
| |
| Panelista 1 (10 mins) Tema: Presentación | Ing. Martin Dario Vega Marquez Gerente de Gobierno Digital en la Secretaria de Tecnologías y Sistemas de Información de la Gobernación del Meta - Colombia | |
| Panelista 2 (10 mins) Tema: Presentación: | Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges Director de Comunicaciones y tecnología - Municipalidad de Manaure, La Guajira Coordinador VSIG - Espanol
| |
| Panelista 3 (10 mins) Tema: Presentación | Lic. Miguel Galeano, Secretario de Relaciones con la Comunidad de la Provincia de La Rioja- Argentina | |
| Panelista 3 (10 mins) Tema: Presentación: | Sergio Salinas Porto, Presidente de Internauta Argentina, Asociación Argentina de Usuarios de Internet | |
| Panelista 3 (10 mins) Tema: Presentación: | Alejandro Pisanty, Profesor Facultad de Química - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | |
| Panelista 4 Tema: Presentación | Rubén Hilari, Jaqi Aru Bolivia | |
| Panelista 5
Tema: Presentación: | Natalie Rose, Jamaica Fundadora BigUp! Jamaica, Presidente del The Internet Society, Jamaica Chapter and Directora del Dept for IT at UCC in Kingston | |
| Discusión de Mesa Redonda (10 minutos) | Dr. Claire C. Craig, Secretaria de LACRALO |
| Sesión de Preguntas y Respuestas (15 minutos) | Dr. Claire C. Craig, Secretaria de LACRALO |
| Summary and Next Steps of this session (2 mins) Conclusion of LAC Digital (3 mins) | Professor Augusto Ho, Presidente de LACRALO |