Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the NARALO Toronto Organizing Committee call on Wednesday 01 August 2012 at 1900 UTC
Gisella Gruber-White:Draft Agenda: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/CQMeAgUwuSBg
Evan Leibovitch:hi there.
Evan Leibovitch:I may not be too active; iḿ re-installing all the software on my computer. I had to jumnp hoops just to get here.
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome all - audio currently not activated unless someone needs it
Gordon Chillcott:I'm jumping through a set of hoops myself. I hope they're not the same as Evan's.
Garth Bruen:Hello all
Glenn McKnight:Hi
Heidi Ullrich:Hi All,
Glenn McKnight:What is this discussion.?
Heidi Ullrich:Garth, I've given you hosting rights in the AC room
Glenn McKnight:I muted it
Evan Leibovitch:Thanks guys!
Heidi Ullrich:Outreach workspace: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/NARALO/pages/110234278/NARALO++Showcase+Event%3AEvent+Toronto
Darlene Thompson:YAY GLENN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Evan Leibovitch:Great stuff, Glenn
Heidi Ullrich:Gisella has updates on the location - or at least as much as we know
Glenn McKnight:Thanks all. I hope Desirree willl come through as well. I am speaking wit Ken Stubbs daily
Glenn McKnight:Google will be speaking on the role of Multistake Holders relations
Glenn McKnight:My response to Evan
Heidi Ullrich:I believe Glenn said that both Bryan from Cira and Google wanted to have a brief speaking role at the event. Is this correct, Glenn?
Glenn McKnight:correct
Heidi Ullrich:about 5-7 minutes?
Heidi Ullrich:or shorter?
Matt Ashtiani:thank you!
Evan Leibovitch:Actually, I am suggesting that Bryans speech is longer... to talk about ḧow to run a great TLD" and how to consider .CA principles in new TLDs
Glenn McKnight:sure
Darlene Thompson:Isn't it Byran (or Byron), not Bryan.
Glenn McKnight:Google stresses that it would be a low key person speaking
Evan Leibovitch:Perhaps Google can give us a hint in what they plan to do with their TLD applications? ;-)
Gordon Chillcott:I also agree, particularly with the idea of some words from the CEO.
Glenn McKnight:We will have a full room
Glenn McKnight:of speakers
Heidi Ullrich:So, ok to include Fadi, Sebastien and Olivier as speakers?
Glenn McKnight:Nice line up from Alac and ICANN
Darlene Thompson:Very good plan
Evan Leibovitch:If there is a Canadian ministerial meeting Iḿ not aware of it
Heidi Ullrich:NARALO General Assembly Workspace: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/NARALO/pages/110258192/NARALO+General+Assembly+Workspace+-+2012
Glenn McKnight:So staff is taking care of catering with the Westin , Correct. Please add to the wiki
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:It's normal that you're not awxare of it, Evan. You're At-Large!
Darlene Thompson:Great idea Glenn
Glenn McKnight:I will send an email on the sound system requirements
Glenn McKnight:Entertainment ideas anyone?
Heidi Ullrich:The GA is currently scheduled for Wed 9-11.
Heidi Ullrich:Coffee will be provided :)
Glenn McKnight:Will the session be videod?
Heidi Ullrich:The outreach event will be videod.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Heidi -- may I punt this request re: Elad Levinson to you, please?
Heidi Ullrich:Would you like the capacity sessions videoed as well?
Glenn McKnight:I mean the General Assembly sessions
Glenn McKnight:Those who do not come to the sessions
Heidi Ullrich:Actually, currently we have the Capacity Building 7:00-7:50 and then the Joint NARALO/Fellows 8:00-9:00
Glenn McKnight:Two hours of video
Glenn McKnight:Who is shooting video? staff or volunteers?
Heidi Ullrich:Each year the General Assembly shall elect aChair and a Secretariat from among the membership of the ALSs and theunaffiliated individuals. Each membe
Heidi Ullrich:https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/2264679110233040/NA-2007-1-1rev1+NARALO+Operating+Principles1rev1%20NARALO%20Operating%20Principles.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1286813556000
Heidi Ullrich:Correct, Darlene
Heidi Ullrich:Could also elect a time-keeper
Heidi Ullrich:choose...
Gordon Chillcott:I don't think we need an outside facilitator, either.
Glenn McKnight:Any of us can volunteer as long as we have an aggenda to follow
Gordon Chillcott:I'll be happy to sit in on the table, subject to meeting schedules.
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Gordon
Heidi Ullrich:Glenn, do you volunteer to be the coordinator for the table top event
Glenn McKnight:Yes,
Glenn McKnight:I motion that we use some of the funds for the banner
Matt Ashtiani:https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/35521289/NARALO+Capacity+Building+Estimates+v+2%5B1%5D110234451/NARALO%20Capacity%20Building%20Estimates%20v%202%5B1%5D.xls?version=1&modificationDate=1343847662014
Heidi Ullrich:Members of GAs in the past were given Pds
Heidi Ullrich:Re PDs, they may also get a bit less...
Heidi Ullrich:However, all travel-supported travelers (except for Fellows) get the same PD
Evan Leibovitch:don't forget about the Niagara trip. Not many people have put their names in...
Glenn McKnight:Question
Glenn McKnight:Do we have a short powerpoint slideshow on NARALO
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:as long as hitch-hiking is not an option
Evan Leibovitch:More like eight
Heidi Ullrich:ok,
Evan Leibovitch:Four hours from Detroit
Glenn McKnight:Flying is cheaper than train
Glenn McKnight:from NY
Darlene Thompson:A week works
Glenn McKnight:Fine with me
Heidi Ullrich:sorry, 19:00 UTC - same time
Gisella Gruber-White:Thank you all
Gisella Gruber-White:1900 UTC :-)
Glenn McKnight:Bye
Heidi Ullrich:Very efficient call. Thanks!
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