2.1 – Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics, to include review of Projects List and Action List
Item 3: Consent agenda (5 minutes)
Item 5: DISCUSSION – Status of Cross Community Working Group on Internet Governance (15 minutes)
The Charter for this Cross Community Working Group was ratified by the ccNSO Council (September 2014), the GNSO Council (October 2014), and the ALAC (April 2015). The CCWG Charter states its scope as doing “whatever it deems relevant and necessary to facilitate and ensure engagement and participation of the ICANN community in the global Internet governance scene and multi-stakeholder decision-making processes”, with regular updates to be provided to its Chartering Organizations and a periodic Progress Paper where appropriate. The Charter also provides that the Chartering Organizations should review the Charter and CCWG deliverables in order to determine whether the group should continue or be dissolved, with the proviso that the CCWG will continue if at least two of its Chartering Organizations extend the Charter and notify the other Chartering Organizations accordingly.
There had been community discussions at ICANN55 concerning the upcoming implementation of the IANA Stewardship Transition Plan, including at a session on 7 March. Several GNSO community members voiced concerns about whether the proposed implementation plan would meet the requirements of the Cross Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Proposal on Naming-Related Functions (CWG-Stewardship). On 25 March a Call for Volunteers was issued for additional participation in the Cross Community Working Group for Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) to work on implementation of the CCWG’s adopted Work Stream 1 recommendations and on developing recommendations for Work Stream 2. On 21 April, proposed revised Bylaws for ICANN intended to reflect the recommendations from the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) and the CCWG-Accountability were published for public comment (see https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2016-04-21-en). The public comment period closes on 21 May 2016.