4. Update of consumer outreach and overview of related documents - Beau, 10 min.
- See the WT D Workspace.
Dev: Let’s postpone this topic until Beau is on the call.
5. Latest version (ver. 3) of ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart and revisions to flowchart – 10 min.
- See the WT D Workspace or link directly to New ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart_ver 3 (Google Docs).
6. Discussion of which discrete subtasks under Recs. 8 (ALAC may request public comment period be extended to 45 days), 12 (consumer representatives should have input into decisions and policy advice), and 13 (ALAC/At-Large policy advice mechanisms should be strengthened) the WT should prioritize for completion and how to do so.
- See the WT D Workspace or link directly to WT D Simplified At-Large Improvements Outline.