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Summary Minutes: Summary Minutes 18 October 2010

Action Items: Action Items 18 October 2010

Recording: English

Interpretation: none


Nominations Open/Election Call Issued: TBD
Nominations Close: TBD
Acceptance of Nominations Due By: TBD
ALAC Voting Begins: TBD
ALAC Voting Concludes: TBD (At ALAC Chair's discretion, generally votes are held over a 5 or 7 day period)

For Reference:

ALAC Rule of Procedures

Relevant rules are 2, 4, 9 and 10


Rec 6 CWG Report:  [PDF, 1.06 MB]

gTLD WG - ALAC draft statement on Rec 6 CWG Report wiki workspace

Does the Executive Committee wish to approach the GAC to see if a joint AC approach might be in order /in addition to  the ALAC letter (needs to be drafted in meeting session)  to the Board on the recent resolutions?


FYI: Meeting Confirmation Forms will be released on 5 October and due by 3 November. The ICANN Meeting Schedule will be posted on 11 November.

Click here for the draft At-Large Cartagena Meetings Schedule


7. Upcoming Board Meeting Agenda specifics and general information sharing (Vanda)

a. Retreat Report

8. Any Other Business