- GM: The dancers and music (Metis) are available and confirmed.
- GM: From a sponsorship point of view we have about 9,000-10,000 USD.
- GM: Afilias has note yet gotten back to me on the speaker, but we should have this info in the next few weeks.
- GM: Podium, sound system, and catering are being taken care of by ICANN Staff.
- AI: Glenn to send Gisella the number of performers.
- DT: I think that the order of the event should be changed so that we acknowledge sponsors, Staff, and volunteers first.
- HU: Is there any particular order that the speakers should be placed?
- DT: By donation.
- Google donated 5k, Afilias 3, and Cira 2
- The order of the event was rearranged and placed on the wiki - https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/NARALO/pages/110234278/NARALO++Showcase+Event%3AEvent+Toronto
- HU: It is also suggested that the event be pushed back by 30 minutes as other meetings are going on concurrently.
- AI: Glenn to let the dancers know that they can view the room the day before if necessary.