1. Roll call – Andres (2 mins)
2. Review of action items from 28 April LACRALO meeting -- Andres (2 min)
a) Dev T to circulate document capturing the discussions on how to deal with inactive ALSes due to their participation/involvement in LACRALO and ICANN policy issues – Completed
At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule
At-Large Policy Development wiki page
Public Consultations on which ALAC is preparing statements or voting:
- ALAC Statement on the Proposal for Renewal of the .NET Registry Agreement (vote ends on 21 May)
- ALAC Statement on the WHOIS Review Team
- ALAC Statement on the Stability, Security and Resilience of the DNS Review Team
- Academia Representation on NomCom
- Proposed ICANN Process for Handling Requests for Removal of Cross-Ownership Restrictions for Existing gTLDs
- Draft FY12 Operating Plan and Budget
FY12 Operating Plan and Budget
Recently submitted ALAC statements:
- Second Milestone Report of the Joint SO/AC New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group (JAS WG), with a revised ALAC introduction, and the ALAC Statement on the JAS WG Second Milestone Report (ALAC vote ended 18 May)
- ALAC Statement to the ICANN Board on the RAA Negotiations (ALAC vote ended 18 May)
- ALAC Statement on Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery Working Group Proposed Final Report
- ALAC Statement on the Proposed Framework for the FY12 Operating Plan and Budget
- ALAC Statement on the Draft Proposal for the Study of Issues Related to the Delegation of IDN Variant TLDs
- ALAC Statement on the Inter Registrar Transfer Policy Part B Working Group Proposed Final Report
- Draft Response to 2011 GAC gTLD Scorecard
- ALAC Statement on Proposed PDP Policy
- ALAC Response to NTIA Notice of Inquiry
- ALAC Statement on the Proposed Recommendation for a Global Outreach Program
5. Proposed Participation Clause in LACRALO Bylaws – Andres (10 min)
Draft Modifications LACRALO Operating Principles 2010
Draft Modifications LACRALO Rules of Procedures 2010
6. Review of Current State of the UDRP Webinar – Andres (5 min)
- Determine interest in and ability to collaborate with ICANN Communications – for example, assign members to be interviewed in podcast
- Examples of communication needs: podcasts, see ICANN's E-Learning page
- Add feedback to RALO Feedback on Communication Needs wiki (was due 6 May+)+
9. Any other business -- Andres (5 min)