1. Roll call – 2 min
2. Review of AIs from 26 Oct 2010 meeting -- 5 min
a) Heidi/Seth to complete the collaborative SWOT page for WT C (four-quadrant -- strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats -- for each of three topics: strategic planning, operational planning, and budget).
- Status: Done
- See WT C collaborative SWOT page.
Olivier: If any member of WT C has not yet filled out the SWOT analysis page, please do so as soon as possible.
b) All WT C members to add their SWOT contributions to WT C collaborative SWOT page by Friday, 5 November, 2010.
c) Each WT C member to examine, before the next WT meeting, the asks under Recs. 5 and 6 and come prepared to discuss "quick wins," as well as tasks to be deleted and added.
6. Update on SWOT analysis – Co-Chairs, 5 mins.
- See WT C - SWOT Analysis.
Olivier: There is some information that’s been filled into the SWOT analysis page, but I still don’t know that everyone has done so.