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Yesim Nazlar: (4/24/2019 14:02) Welcome to the ATLAS III Webinar 1 on the topic "Domain Names" taking place on Wednesday, 24 April 2019 at 12:00 UTC
  Yesim Nazlar: (14:02) Agenda: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/GwJ1BgZYwRBg
  javie4 chandia: (14:39) buenos días
  Yesim Nazlar: (14:44) Welcome all,  we'll start in 15mins.
  Oksana Prykhodko: (14:50) Hi everyone
  Gisella Gruber: (14:51) NOTE - Adobe Connect audio is in ENGLISH only. To hear French and Spanish audio, please join the ADIGO phone bridge (you can request a dial-out to staff)
  Joanna Kulesza: (14:51) Hello everyone!
  Omar Shuran: (14:53) Hello everyone
  javie4 chandia: (14:55) hello
  Ricardo Holmquist: (14:56) if you are on the phone to mute the line is *6, to unmute *7
  Ali AlMeshal: (14:56) hello
  Ricardo Holmquist: (14:57) Si estan al telefono, para colocarse en mute le dan *6, para quitarlo le dan *7
  Lilian Ivette De Luque: (14:57) Hi everyone
  Esther Akello: (14:58) hi everyone
  Narine Khachatryan: (14:58) Hi everyone
  Cristian Casas Lacralo: (14:59) buens das
  Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (14:59) Hi Narine
  Gisella Gruber: (14:59) Welcome to everyone! We will be starting shortly
  Gisella Gruber: (14:59) Gisella Gruber: NOTE - Adobe Connect audio is in ENGLISH only. To hear French and Spanish audio, please join the ADIGO phone bridge (you can request a dial-out to staff)
  Narine Khachatryan: (15:00) Hi Glenn
  Priyatosh Jana: (15:02) Hi everyone
  Katambi Joan: (15:02) hi
  Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (15:02) Bonjour à tous
  Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné: (15:03) Hello everyone !
  Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (15:03) Gab comment vas tu??
  Alan Greenberg: (15:04) If you have questions during the presentation, place them here starting with "QUESTION:"
  Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné: (15:04) Bonjour à tous et toutes
  Holly Raiche: (15:04) Yes
  Ricardo Holmquist: (15:04) yes, we can
  Bikram Shrestha: (15:04) yes.. we do
  Katambi Joan: (15:04) yes (15:04) yes
  Esther Akello: (15:04) yes - very clear Olivier
  Andrés Azpúrua: (15:04) Hola from caracas
  Suhaidi Hassan ISOC-MY: (15:04) yup
  Priyatosh Jana: (15:04) yes
  javie4 chandia: (15:04) yes
  Diego Acosta Bastidas: (15:05) Saludos desde Ecuador. Diego Acosta Bastidas
  Diego Acosta Bastidas: (15:06) Fraternals regards from Ecuador. Diego Acosta Bastidas
  Ricardo Holmquist: (15:08) audio lost on AC?
  Michel MTCHONANG LINZE: (15:08) Hill everyone (15:08) no sound
  Holly Raiche: (15:08) Alan's sound is gone
  Priyatosh Jana: (15:08) no sound
  Ali AlMeshal: (15:08) no sound
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:08) Yippee. Again.
  Andrés Azpúrua: (15:08) no sound on the App
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:08) Sorry about this - we had the same problem yesterday
  Gisella Gruber: (15:08) AUDIO is coming back!
  Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (15:08) Repeat as last night. This is unfortunate
  Andrea Glandon: (15:08) We will be reconnecting the AC audio
  Ali AlMeshal: (15:09) so Alan can pause until it get fix
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:09) do not worry -- we wait as soon as we know the AC audio is down so you are not missing anything
  Holly Raiche: (15:09) The sound stopped just as Alan was starting to explain IP addresses
  Vernatius Okwu EZEAMA: (15:09) The audio is bad
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:09) This has happened 6 times yesterday
  Holly Raiche: (15:09) the audio is non existant
  Diego Acosta Bastidas: (15:09) Ecuador: Audio ok  
  Bikram Shrestha: (15:09) no audio
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (15:09) hmm what is it with Adigo ? because I’m thinking this is not an adobe connect issue
  Esther Akello: (15:10) on the phone Audio is all good
  Michel MTCHONANG LINZE: (15:10) Soun is bag
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (15:10) but more of a phone bridge issue?
  Ali AlMeshal: (15:10) sound back
  Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (15:10) k
  Ricardo Holmquist: (15:10) Dev, I think the same, and it is worriesome, it will be the same in Zoom
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (15:11) yes, to me its nothing to do with the adobe connect at all
  Ricardo Holmquist: (15:11) Hpe ICANN undesrtand that, in order to fix it
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (15:13) @Ricardo - indeed
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:13) .org is a GENERIC Top Level Domain
  Holly Raiche: (15:13) Naybe explain the abbreviations ccTLD and gTLD?
  Esther Akello: (15:14) on Attendance list Esther Akello is same person as Patricia Akello.  - Agenda Section.
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:14) ccTLD = Country Code Top LEvel Doman - like .CA
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:14) gTLD = Generic Top Level Domain - like .ORG
  Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (15:15) I Want to know about the PIR management by ISOC??
  Yesim Nazlar: (15:16) Webinar open to all still but attendance will NOT be counted as VALID - it is 15min past the hour and we are 9 slides into the webinar
  Gisella Gruber: (15:17) NOTE THAT PEOPLE WHO ARE LATE WILL NOT BE LOGGED AS HAVING ATTENDED IF THEY APPLY FOR ATLAS III. Anyone arriving now will NOT be logged on the attendance
  Ricardo Holmquist: (15:17) Bakary, I recommend you to enter, it has most of the information.
  Michel MTCHONANG LINZE: (15:17) Thank Alan
  Otunte Otueneh: (15:18) Joining the seconday day of the workshop gives more understanding
  Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (15:19) OK, Thinks Mr Ricardo
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (15:20) well unable to stay on the call (work calls) take care all
  Oksana Prykhodko: (15:21) How many roots are in Russia?
  Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (15:21) How many Root servers are in Africa
  Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (15:21) ?
  Alan Greenberg: (15:21) Looks like about 13, but Olivier will tell you how to find out.
  Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (15:22) Ok, thinks
  Priyatosh Jana: (15:22) How many Root servers are in Asia Pacific? (15:23) yes
  Holly Raiche: (15:23) There is an echo - someone check the line
  Bikram Shrestha: (15:23) yes
  Amal Al-Saqqaf: (15:23) yes, it's fine with echo
  Winthrop Yu - Philippines: (15:23) Ok to speak, echo not a problem
  Ricardo Holmquist: (15:23) in AC is not that bad
  Holly Raiche: (15:23) Keep going (15:23) ok but slowdown
  Alan Greenberg: (15:24) root-servers. Looks like 52 in Africa
  haroun mahamat cherif: (15:24) no sound
  Alan Greenberg: (15:24) Oops
  Andrea Glandon: (15:24) I am still hearing the audio on the AC
  Ibtissam KAIFOUF 2: (15:24) Hello everyone. is it possible to download this presentation?
  Ricardo Holmquist: (15:25) it seems there some unmuted users
  Andrea Glandon: (15:25) The presentation is available on the agenda wiki: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/GAJ1BgS4wRBg
  Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (15:25) What is the necessity of the validation server to implamente the DNSSEC???
  Holly Raiche: (15:25) It just checks that the sender is who it says it is
  Alan Greenberg: (15:26) Can staff mute all participants?
  Ibtissam KAIFOUF 2: (15:26) thaank you!
  Holly Raiche: (15:26) No sound again
  Yesim Nazlar: (15:26) @Alan: no feedback from the AC, trying to locate on the phone bridge (15:26) no voice now
  Priyatosh Jana: (15:26) no sound
  Otunte Otueneh: (15:26) No sound
  Jose Ovidio Salgueiro: (15:26) Not hearing anything
  Ali AlMeshal: (15:27) no sound
  Daniel K. Nanghaka 2: (15:27) The sound has vanished
  Andrea Glandon: (15:27) We are reconnecting the AC audio.  We have paused the presentation.
  Gisella Gruber: (15:27) We are reconnecting AUDIO - sorry for the issue
  Katambi Joan: (15:27) OK waiting
  Holly Raiche: (15:28) @ Alan and OCL - please keep watch on the chat so you can spot very quickly when the sound stops
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:28) yes
  Gisella Gruber: (15:28) Problemas de audio: nos volveremos a conectar muy pronto
  Alan Greenberg: (15:28) @Holly, that is what we are doing!
  Holly Raiche: (15:28) Good - now to fix the problem!~
  Gisella Gruber: (15:28) AUDIO is back
  Holly Raiche: (15:28) Yes
  Priyatosh Jana: (15:29) audio back now
  Holly Raiche: (15:30) @ Alan - I trust you noted Bakary's quesiton on the necessity of validation?
  Holly Raiche: (15:33) @ Bakary - this should answer your question
  Oksana Prykhodko: (15:34) Are these attackers registered and tracked?
  Alan Greenberg: (15:35) @Bakary, in theory, you could get a resolver for your own computer that checks. In practice, many of us rely on our ISP to do that for us. Some ISPs do that, some do not.
  Oksana Prykhodko: (15:36) I dropped, could you please dial-out to me again? +380 44 289 5859/ Thank you!
  Yesim Nazlar: (15:36) @Oksana: sure
  Oksana Prykhodko: (15:37) Thank you!
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:38) Oksana Prykhodko: Are these attackers registered and tracked?   ----->> Yes, of course they are tracked, but this is a constant battle, all happening at very fast speed
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:38) and the attackers use all sorts of ways to avoid detection, mostly by actually hacking from computers that they have already hacked
  Oksana Prykhodko: (15:38) @ Olivier - thank you, do not hear anything on phone bridge(
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:39) hacked computer -> hacked computer -> haced computer -> hacked computer tec.
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:39) etc.
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:39) phone bridge should be okay
  kissqngou: (15:39) who decide to set a resolver it is a company or an ISP?
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:43) you can run your own reolver if you want. Most people use their ISP's resolver
  Andrés Azpúrua: (15:43) how are abuses by ccTLD registries handled by ICANN, IANA or the Internet community
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:43) @Andrés: we will be dealing with this shortly
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:44) good question
  Holly Raiche: (15:45) sound gone again
  Ricardo Holmquist: (15:45) no sound again
  Ali AlMeshal: (15:45) sound lost
  Monique Chartrand: (15:45) Is there any documentation on the business models associated with the TLD
  Eranga Samararathna (SLNG): (15:45) lost audio
  Daniel K. Nanghaka 2: (15:45) Sound has disappeared
  Ricardo Holmquist: (15:45) Have to leave
  Priyatosh Jana: (15:45) sound lost again
  Otunte Otueneh: (15:45) no audio
  Andrea Glandon: (15:45) One moment, we wil reconnect the audio momentarily
  Andrea Glandon: (15:45) We have paused the presentation
  Ricardo Holmquist: (15:46) Happy to see so many participants, specially from LatinAmerica
  Ricardo Holmquist: (15:46) bye
  Gisella Gruber: (15:46) AUDIO issues - we will reconnect shortly
  Bikram Shrestha: (15:46) again no audio
  Gisella Gruber: (15:46) Problemas de audio - estamos reconectando
  Gisella Gruber: (15:46) AUDIO - nous allons reconnecter sous peu
  Michel MTCHONANG LINZE: (15:47) Bon courage
  Ali AlMeshal: (15:47) هناك مشكله في الصوت
  Alan Greenberg: (15:47) @Monique - The only place I am aware of regarding TLD business models is the TLD itself. Some harder to find than others.
  Holly Raiche: (15:47) Yes
  Gisella Gruber: (15:47) AUDIO is back - set de retour
  Monique Chartrand: (15:48) Merci Alan !
  Esther Akello: (15:48) phone audio dropped
  Esther Akello: (15:49) let me try connecting to computer directly
  Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (15:49) Est-il judicieux d'implementer le DNSSEC dans la Zone Racine sans avoir de Serveur de Validation??
  Otunte Otueneh: (15:51) Is there no way prices can be controlled by ICANN ?
  Esther Akello: (15:52) getting the audio through AC
  Priyatosh Jana: (15:53) @Alan How many Root servers are in Asia Pacific?
  Alan Greenberg: (15:53) @Otunte, ICANN sets some fees charged to registrars and registries so that tends to set a minimum (unless the Registrar or registry wants to lose money on each).  Historically, ICANN also sets the max proce from a registry to registrar but that is being phsed out.
  Vrikson Acosta: (15:54) In Spanish it is also RGPD
  Alan Greenberg: (15:55) @Otunte different domain names have different values, and that is beyond ICANN. Example: .bank is available ONLY to real registered banks and the value (and costs to verify) are very different. from a TLD like .com.
  Otunte Otueneh: (15:55) @Alan, thanks
  Alan Greenberg: (15:56) @Priyatosh: See You can zoom in there.
  Priyatosh Jana: (15:57) alan thanks
  Holly Raiche: (15:58) There are voices in the background?
  Yesim Nazlar: (15:59) @Holly: Trying to locate the background noises
  Alan Greenberg: (16:01) Variants are interesting. If you register one variant with some TLDs, they automatically give you the other. For other TLDs, if you register one variant, they stop anyone else from registering the other. Other TLDs allow the two variants to be registered by different people, possible causing great confusion among users.
  Holly Raiche: (16:03) Yes
  Bikram Shrestha: (16:03) Yes, we do
  Oksana Prykhodko: (16:03) The mix of Latin and none-Latin scripts in one domain name creates a lot of cybersecurity risks. What are possible sollutions of this problem?
  Otunte Otueneh: (16:04) no audio
  Holly Raiche: (16:04) Sound gone (16:04) n sounds
  Bikram Shrestha: (16:04) no audio again..
  Esther Akello: (16:04) no sound for me too
  Ali AlMeshal: (16:04) sound
  Priyatosh Jana: (16:04) no audio again
  Andrea Glandon: (16:04) We will reconnect the audio.  The presentation has paused
  Andrea Glandon: (16:04) One Moment please
  Daniel K. Nanghaka 2: (16:04) Terrible audio issues here
  Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné: (16:05) Audio ?
  Andrea Glandon: (16:05) We are reconnecting the audio
  javie4 chandia: (16:05)
  Holly Raiche: (16:06) Yes
  Esther Akello: (16:06) okay now (16:06) Myname is hanan khatib   and the audio is back
  Vrikson Acosta: (16:06) audio is back
  Eduardo Diaz: (16:06) You should do this using zoom
  Holly Raiche: (16:06) NO
  Bikram Shrestha: (16:06) no ok now
  Ibtissam KAIFOUF 2: (16:09) How intellectual property issues related to domain names are managed?
  Esther Akello: (16:11) breaking sound
  Esther Akello: (16:12) okay now
  javie4 chandia: (16:12) hola Diego...un abrazo
  Alan Greenberg: (16:13) Face-book look-alikes are particularly interesting. You can log on to MANY system using you Facebook (or Google) credentials, so if you create a fake sight, you can steal very valuable ids and passwords.
  Vrikson Acosta: (16:13) the "c" in russian is the "s" in latin characters
  Alan Greenberg: (16:14) @Vrikson, yes, but domain names are only written, so although it might be pronounced differently, it doesn't matter.
  Vrikson Acosta: (16:14) the other 3 letters are the same. But considered different for they come from a different character set
  Alan Greenberg: (16:16) So "coke" may e pronounced Sokia (like Nokia) but you can't see that!
  Esther Akello: (16:16) no sounds
  Alan Greenberg: (16:16) Adobe connect sound is still on.
  Holly Raiche: (16:17) still sound
  Winthrop Yu - Philippines: (16:17) It is working
  Andrés Azpúrua: (16:17) sound on the App
  Andrea Glandon: (16:17) We are checking on the AC
  Oksana Prykhodko: (16:17) @Olivier Thank you!, е, eи, eump.оrg - just examples
  Esther Akello: (16:17) my apologies I have to run
  Andrea Glandon: (16:18) AC is good
  Esther Akello: (16:18) Thanks Allan and Olivier
  Esther Akello: (16:18) I have to attend to some urgent work assignments
  Andrés Azpúrua: (16:18) how about to problems with registries
  Alan Greenberg: (16:19) Also is really good
  Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (16:19) My last question is not answered
  Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (16:19) Est-il judicieux d'implementer le DNSSEC dans la Zone Racine sans avoir de Serveur de Validation?
  Amal Al-Saqqaf: (16:21) Thank you Alan & Olivier! Who is responsible of observing and making sure the registrant obligations are being followed? (16:22) when you said ICANN is the managing   is it because they owun it  or in geneteral they managing level 2 domain names
  Holly Raiche: (16:22) No sound again
  Winthrop Yu - Philippines: (16:22) no audio
  Otunte Otueneh: (16:22) no sound (16:22) no sound again
  Yesim Nazlar: (16:23) We're reconnecting the AC audio, apologies
  Priyatosh Jana: (16:23) no audio
  Bikram Shrestha: (16:23) no sound
  Yesim Nazlar: (16:24) Presenters have stopped and waiting for the audio connection to be back on AC
  javie4 chandia: (16:24) no hay sonido
  Adrian Carballo - LACRALO: (16:24) No hay sonido
  Gisella Gruber: (16:25) AUDIO issue - we are reconnecting
  Vrikson Acosta: (16:25) audio is back once again
  Winthrop Yu - Philippines: (16:25) redelegation? :)
  Priyatosh Jana: (16:26) clear audio
  Holly Raiche: (16:27) There is noise in the background again
  Winthrop Yu - Philippines: (16:27) echo sounds like a horror movie .. of sorts :)
  Ali AlMeshal: (16:27) somone looping
  Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (16:28) Does it make sense to implement DNSSEC in the root zone without having a validation server?
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (16:28) yes someone looping again and again
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (16:28) ok thanks Bakary
  Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (16:30) I have last the line
  Yesim Nazlar: (16:30) @Bakary: we'll redial back to you
  Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (16:30) I'm reconnected
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (16:31) Sorry Bakary -- you missed the response to your question
  Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (16:31) i missed a party
  Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (16:32) I lost aigain (16:32) thanks  
  Andrés Azpúrua: (16:33) had to reconnect.  lost part of response to my question. is the recording going to be available?
  Yesim Nazlar: (16:33) @Omar: please mute your computer, it's causing echo
  Vrikson Acosta: (16:33) That's right, domain names are not own per se. But in practice it could happen, because there in no limit to the number of times of renewals by the registrant who has the right to use it (16:34) Thanks Vrikson
  Michel MTCHONANG LINZE: (16:35)  What are the advantages of hosting the root server in a territory?What is the competent territory for conflicting intellectual property of domain names?
  Bikram Shrestha: (16:35) Thank you Alan
  Otunte Otueneh: (16:35) Thanks for the workshop. It was quite educating.
  Bikram Shrestha: (16:35) once again and thanks to Olivier
  Ali AlMeshal: (16:35) great discussion and presentaion
  Bikram Shrestha: (16:35) and thanks to all staff
  Holly Raiche: (16:35) Thanks to both Alan and Olivier
  Ali AlMeshal: (16:35) thanks Alan & Olivier
  Michel MTCHONANG LINZE: (16:35) Than you  againg Alan and Olivier
  Otunte Otueneh: (16:35) Thanks to Alan and Olivier
  Jose Ovidio Salgueiro: (16:35) Thanks Alan. Great prsesntation
  Amir Qayyum: (16:35) Thanks to Alan, Olivier and the staff.
  Daniel K. Nanghaka 2: (16:36) Thank you Alan and Olivier for the webinar
  Alan Greenberg: (16:36) The ICANN Learn course has a LOT more information...
  Andrés Azpúrua: (16:36) thank you Olivier snd Alan
  Daniel K. Nanghaka 2: (16:36) It was great webinar indeed
  Priyatosh Jana: (16:36) Thanks to all staff as well as Alan and Olivier
  Vernatius Okwu EZEAMA: (16:36) Thank you  for Webinar
  Michel MTCHONANG LINZE: (16:36) Bye All ! (16:36) Thank you all for the information  
  Cristian Casas Lacralo: (16:36) gracias buenos dias
  Anne-Marie Joly-bachollet: (16:36) Thank you it was very interesting
  Joanna Kulesza: (16:36) https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/ATLAS3/pages/101812214/Online+Training+Courses
  Gisella Gruber: (16:36) Next Webinars - Tuesday 30 April at 21:00 UTC and Thursday 2 May at 12:00 on the GNSO!
  Maritza Aguero: (16:37) Great webinar indeed!
  Priyatosh Jana: (16:37) I have been enriched by the information
  Gisella Gruber: (16:37) Email invitation will be sent out later today
  Abdulkarim Oloyede: (16:37) I hope some of the technical  challenges today would be sorted out for subsequent calls
  Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (16:37) thinks Gisella
  Abdulkarim Oloyede: (16:37) thank you
  Gisella Gruber: (16:38) ALL courses are posted here - dates and times: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/ATLAS3/pages/101812214/Online+Training+Courses
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (16:38) The Webinars are all recorded --- thus you can listen to them again later once they are put on the WIKI --- it important if you were dropped for part of the call - and apologies again for the technical problems
  Bikram Shrestha: (16:38) Thank you once again.
  Oksana Prykhodko: (16:38) Thank you, bye!
  Winthrop Yu - Philippines: (16:38) Thank you Olivier, Alan, all!
  Otunte Otueneh: (16:38) Thanks Joanna
  Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné: (16:38) Merci à tout le monde.
  Ali AlMeshal: (16:38) bye all
  javie4 chandia: (16:38) muchas gracias
  Daniel K. Nanghaka 2: (16:38) Thank you all and bye
  Priyatosh Jana: (16:38) Good bye to all
  Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné: (16:38) À bientôt !
  Daniel K. Nanghaka 2: (16:38) Bye (16:38) bye
  Rudi Daniel: (16:39) thank you and hi Bickram
  Otunte Otueneh: (16:39) Bye All
  Suhaidi Hassan ISOC-MY: (16:39) bye
  javie4 chandia: (16:39) bye a.ll
  kissqngou: (16:39) bye bye
  Adrian Carballo - LACRALO: (16:39) Bye all!
  Vrikson Acosta 2: (16:39) bye everyone :)