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See: At-Large Website Policy Summary

See: At-Large Policy Advice Development Page

See: CPWG Description

  1. Welcome and Roll Call - Staff  (2 minutes)

  2. Aim of Meeting and Adoption of Agenda - Olivier Crépin-Leblond (3 minutes)

  3. Welcome from the Co-chairs - Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Jonathan Zuck (10 minutes)

  4. New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP update - Olivier and Jonathan (10 minutes)

    1. GNSO Page
    2. New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Home
  5. Cross-Community Working Group on new gTLD Auction Proceeds Home (Sébastien Bachollet - 10 minutes)

    1. Auction Proceeds Survey (Vanda's email to the ALAC list)
  6. CCWG Accountability Final Report - Olivier and Jonathan (50 minutes) 

    See: Public Consultation - CCWG-Accountability WS2 Final Report

    For reference: Work Stream 2 topics

    a. Human Rights - Avri, Bastiaan, Erich Schweighofer, Jean Jacques Subrenat, Leon, Seun, Tijani, Cheryl, Tatiana Tropina, John Laprise

    b. Transparency - Alan, Avri, Cheryl, Jean Jacques Subrenat

    c. Jurisdiction - Avri, Christopher Wilkinson, Erich Schweighofer, Jean Jacques Subrenat, Tijani, Cheryl, Tatiana Tropina

    d. Guidelines for Good Faith - Cheryl, Avri, Alan

    e. SO/AC Accountability - Cheryl (Co-rapporteur), Alan, Avri, Christopher W, Jean Jacques S, Sébastien, Seun, Siva

    f. Diversity - Cheryl, Sebastien, Seun, Tijani, Beran

    g. Ombudsman - Sébastien (rapporteur), Alberto Soto, Carlos Vera Quintana, Cheryl, José Arce, Siva

    h. Reviewing the Cooperative Engagement Process (CEP) - Avri, Siva, Cheryl

    i. Staff Accountability - Avri (rapporteur), Alan, Cheryl, Seun

    j. IRP "Phase 2" - (if needed)

    k. ATRT2 - Alan

  7. Any Other Business - Olivier Crépin-Leblond (3 minutes)

  8. Next Meeting - Olivier Crépin-Leblond (2 minutes)