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ALAC  Teleconference


Zoom Room: / Meeting password: 528613

Real time transcription (RTT) link: []


¿Cómo se puede participar en la teleconferencia? Spanish Conference ID = 1738

Comment participer a cette teleconference?  French Conference ID = 1838


Call Management: Yeşim Nazlar


Action Items: EN

Adopted Motions: EN

Decisions: EN

Recording: EN, ES, FR, RU

Transcript: EN, ES, FR, RU

Zoom Chat: EN


A G E N D A:  

Standing Agenda Items

1. Roll Call and Apologies and Confirmation of Quorum– Staff (3 minutes)

2. Welcome, Aim of the Meeting, Adoption of Agenda and Call for Any Other Business or other Amendments – Maureen Hilyard (7 minutes)

3. Review of ALAC Action Items from ICANN66 in Montreal - Maureen Hilyard (5 minutes)


At-Large Policy Resources:

At-Large Capacity Building Workshop - An Introduction to Policy Development at ICANN
2019 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice
At-Large Policy Summary
At-Large Executive Summary page
Multistakeholder Advice Development graphic
Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)

Recently Ratified by the ALAC (Since last ALAC Monthly Meeting)

DRAFT PTI and IANA FY21 Operating Plan and Budgets
The ALAC noted that the proposed PTI and IANA FY21 Operating Plan and Budgets are aligned with the ICANN Strategic Plan, and are also very similar to previous years' budgets. An adjustment in the PTI budget is noticeable, including adjustments in salaries, services and other administrative cross-charges from ICANN to PTI or IANA.

However, the ALAC pointed out that a change is in process in the Governance of the Root Server System, these changes are not reflected in the proposed PTI and IANA FY21 Operating Plan and Budgets. The ALAC asked several exploratory questions in their response.

Registration Directory Service (RDS-WHOIS2) Review Team Final Report
Executive Summary TBD

Public Comment for Decision 


Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)

Public Comment Name

Public Comment Close



Implementation Plan for the GNSO Consensus Policy Relating to the Protection of Certain Red Cross Names



ALAC Advice to ICANN Board on DNS Abuse

See Google Doc (comment only)





Potential ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board




At-Large Policy Platform





Certified (1)

#307 Internet Society Rural Development Special Interest Group - APRALO

Decertification (0)

Reference: Decertification Wikispace

AFRALO will begin the process of providing evidence to ask the ALAC to decertify MACSIS and several other ALSes, which are no longer active.

Note: AFRALO recently ratified their AFRALO Decertification Rules.

Vote (2)#312 Internet Society Lebanon - APRALO, #306 Internet Society Chapitre Haiti - LACRALO
Awaiting advice (8)

#313 Women's Technology Empowerment Centre - AFRALO (awaiting GSE feedback), #311 Association des Utilisateurs des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication - AFRALO (awaiting GSE feedback), #310 GreenICT Initiative (GreenICTi) - AFRALO (awaiting GSE feedback), #305Battery Operated Systems for Community Outreach Uganda - AFRALO (negative GSE feedback, will move to AFRALO for feedback), #304 Corporacion Asesorias para el Desarrollo de la Innovacion y Tecnologia - Asesorias IT - LACRALO (awaiting GSE feedback), #303 AgeCare Foundation (CRB) - AFRALO (negative GSE feedback, awaiting applicant feedback),#293 ACSIS COTE D'IVOIRE - AFRALO (awaiting AFRALO feedback), #282 Association pour le Développement des Sociétés de l'Information au Tchad (ADESIT) - AFRALO (awaiting AFRALO feedback)

Due diligence (2)#309 Initiative TIC et Citoyenneté - AFRALO (positive GSE feedback, undergoing due diligence), #288 Liberia Information Technology students Union - AFRALO (awaiting applicant feedback - to confirm with AFRALO whether will be moved to "on hold" status) 
On hold (6)#299/308 China Internet Development Foundation - APRALO (Withdrawn), #297 The Bear Foundation - NARALO (Withdrawn), #292 Asociacion Civil Para la Investigacion Social y Tecnica de Internet (AGEIA España) - EURALO, #270 BSDCongo - AFRALO, #267 Surabhi Softwares, #112 Arab Regional ISPs & DSPs Association (ARISPA) - APRALO 


6.  Reports and Discussion with At-Large Plus Leaders – Introduced by Maureen Hilyard  (10 minutes)



See: At-Large Reports 

See: At-Large Governance

For Discussion

7.   Update From the Board with Leon Sanchez, Vice Chair of the Board  and Board Director selected by At-Large - Leon Sanchez (10 mins)


a. FY20 SOAC Chairs Flexibility Fund and FY20 Flexible Funding At-Large Workspace

b. FY21 Additional Budget Requests

10. At-Large Review Implementation - Status - Maureen Hilyard, Cheryl Langdon-Orr (5 mins)

