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  Julia Charvolen:Agenda: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/ACqfAgB-XuBQ
  Maureen Hilyard:Julia.. I am not sure how things are done.. but I have an action item from my ccNSO report that I'd like raised in the meeting. Its that we need a couple of volunteers to join the ALAC-ccNSO meeting coordination team. So where does this get added


  Alberto Soto:I am the official representative for more than two years ago


  Alan Greenberg:In that case, it is curious the survey went to someone else!


  Eduardo Diaz:Somethinh happenned to the audio


  Alan Greenberg:Issue for ALT meeting.
  Fatima Cambronero:@Alan, are you saying do not close this CCWG? ( I am not sure if I understood correctly, sorry)


  Carlton Samuels:Hi All, I'm on


  Julia Charvolen:next ATLAS II OC call Thursday 19 December at 1500 UTC



  Alberto Soto:Thank you very much for allowing me to participate. Cordial greetings and happy holidays to all!
