- Staff to create a page up for the Dakar Meeting Agenda and have it devoted as a space where we place all items to be completed, ideas, etc.
- Olivier to put out call for new member of WHOIS Review Team (need someone up to speed already). Staff to make a poll to put the names in order of preference once the voting has been completed.
- Completed
- Staff to add a note to each RALO meeting agenda stating that calls are open to all members of the community.
- Completed
- Staff to Ping Edmon to see if he has been getting the emails regarding the IDN Comment period.
- Staff to arrange for Kurt to be on the next ALAC call, if possible.
- Once completed, staff to add Academic Program Update on http://goo.gl/zqjnNthe following wiki
- Staff to send Kurt the schedules of the regional meetings - for the next two months - so he can do his best to join the calls when necessary.
- Alan to write a short first draft for the comment on the Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery Recommendations for ICANN Board Consideration. If it has not already been established, staff to create a wiki page for Alan's draft and for the community's comments.
- Staff to ask ALAC members who did not vote in the call on whether to send the name of unopposed members to the NomCom to send in their votes. Staff to conduct an anonymous vote of the remaining candidates.
- LACRALO to put the questions it has developed onto the ALAC-Registrar [wiki: [Ideas for future ALAC-Registrar meetings|] ([Ideas for the content of educational materials to be developed by At-Large & Registrars|]) and have a call on each one of the RALO calls for this to happen. But the question may be a little unclear.
- Also in completed list / marked in progress too as a reminder to RALOs.
- Staff to identify each country from which At-Large members will be traveling to Dakar, along with Senegalese visa requirements for each
- Staff to update list of Cross-Constituency WGs on ALAC AG wiki page
- In progress
- Cheryl to manage winding up and archiving WGs to be closed, Matt to schedule time to work with Cheryl on this.
- Beau to chair and repopulate [At-Large Registrants Rights and Responsibilities WG|]
- Beau to discuss Consumer Constituency aspects with Rosemary
- In Progress.
- Carlton to chair and repopulate [At-Large WHOIS Policy WG|]
- In progress
- Gisella to synchronize At-Large’s calendar of events (external events, etc.) with Global Partnership’s calendar
- In progress
- Tijani, Sylvia, and Sergio to determine which ALAC WGs need French and Spanish interpretation
- In progress: Creating a list of calls
- ExCom to ask RALOs to come to Dakar with specific, long-term strategic plan for outreach, with aim of getting funded. It should include metrics (e.g., one ALS per country)*
- ALAC to try to develop specific, long-term strategic plan for outreach, with aim of getting funded.
- Should include metrics (e.g., one ALS per country)
- Could include outreach to developing economies regarding new gTLD program
- Could seek help from Kurt P. and Carole C. (especially regarding metrics)
- See [Session on 2012-15 Strategic Plan|]
- See [Development Timeline & Assumptions for 2012-15 Strategic Plan|]
- In progress: ExCom decided this is long-term activity, perhaps not done in time for 2012-15 Strategic Plan; outreach issue perhaps need to be sent to RALOs and ALSes.
- ALAC to refine its goals regarding its advising of the Board (for possible inclusion in 2012-15 Strategic Plan and/or Board paper):
- Focus on how the Board accepts and responds to advice from the ALAC
- Include metrics regarding how much policy work ALAC does
- Include way of prioritizing ALAC statements for Board (possibilities include marking statements important enough for Board action, sending Board monthly/bimonthly list of ALAC statements, establishing list of topics about which the Board should consult with the ALAC)
- Could seek help from Kurt P.
- In progress
- ALAC to give Kurt its calendar corresponding to the 2012-15 Strategic Plan, for planning purposes
- In progress: ALAC to inform Kurt once the At-Large calendar is up and running (the ALAC calendar is open, so Kurt will have access to it)
- Olivier to report to Rod regarding the connection problems being of particular concern to ALAC which, by its nature, is highly distributed geographically.
- Olivier Crepin-Leblond to draft a message to Rod Beckstrom, Nick Tomasso, Kurt Pritz and David Olive thanking them for the policy staff support, interpretation, and translation used during the development of the JAS WG Final Report.
- Staff to begin the ratification process for the ALAC Statement on Revisions to Conflicts of Interest Policy and Bylaws to Allow Board to Consider Compensation for Director Service
- ExCom to draft strong support language for the At-Large motion on the JAS WG Final Report. Staff to send an announcement with the text to the ALAC Working List within the next 24 hours for the ALAC's consideration and review, comments to be accepted until 3-October. A five day vote will begin immediately thereafter and last until 10-October.
- Heidi to invite the Chair of the Public Participation Committee to speak to At-Large during the discussion on the 2012-2015Strategic Plan in Dakar.
- Confirmation to follow.