Versions Compared


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  •  BCEC to hold calls on Thursdays by rotating two different times (e.g. pick one time within the 18-21 UTC range, pick another time within the 4-7 UTC range). Terri AgnewGisella Gruber to work with julie.hammer and set up doodle to select the two best rotating times.
  •  Gisella Gruber to check with Alan Greenberg and let julie.hammer know about the possible ALAC teleconference in October to approve 2017 Board Member Selection Timeline and the BCEC Operational Procedures and Guidelines.
  •  julie.hammer to let Tijani BEN JEMAA know that BCEC is generally okay with the proposed Timeline; the only revision required is to remove the lines about Candidate References as these will be required at the time of submission.
  •  julie.hammer to advise the Alan Greenberg and Tijani BEN JEMAA that the Candidate Requirements (2017 Selection) are now finalized (BCEC has approved the current version with the only action to remove "Draft" from the page).
  •  julie.hammer to work with Ken Bour to align the wiki tool with the Expression of Interest Proforma 2014, incorporating any amendments to accommodate 2017 process changes and correct for typos/grammatical errors, etc.
  •  julie.hammer to update the Draft Operational Procedures and Guidelines and circulate on the list for final approval of the BCEC.
