Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)
Sebastien Bachollet
Candidate has not yet submitted answersYes.
Pierre Dandjinou
It is a pity the ALAC liaison to the Board is being replaced by an at large Director elected. As per the bylaws of iCANN, once a Director is appointed, he normally should not report to his/her constituency and only ‘defends’ the Interest of ICANN. I think we should continue to press for the r establishment of the liaison’s position as it’s crucial that a mechanism is still available for streamlining the community’s view to the Board…Unless this new At large director to occupy the No 15 seat, is given such a prerogative to serve as a liaison and also report back to the ALAC..But for this , a review of the bylaws must occur, and I could push to this if elected as the At large Director.