Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)
Sebastien BacholletCandidate has not yet submitted answers
From my SOI:
• I fully support the last ALAC statement on new gTLDs and I would like to emphasize one sentence I am particularly committed to: "From the At-Large perspective, the core issues remain maximizing the benefits and minimizing the confusion from the introduction of new gTLDs to the average Internet user...".
• New gTLDs must not be just considered as a "market". They must not be just a way to invest money. New gTLDs must be for new users and new usages. Their goal must therefore be to serve new communities. The policy development for new gTLDs was largely controlled by incumbents. Together with the current, yet to be completed implementation phase, it has taken already more than 6 years. Rather than treating the new TLDs as an entitlement for any investor, priority must be given to projects in the public interest that contribute to the improvement and the development of the Internet.
In addition:
The compliance policies and implementation of those policies are key for the Internet users.
At-Large will have to be very involved in that both at the registry and registrar level (and/or function).
Pierre Dandjinou
I believe vertical integration in gTLDs domains should enhance competition and lower the costs for the end users and registrants. I believe ICANN could strengthen oversight over registries that provide direct registration services through strict and specific agreements on the one hand, and through a facilitation of constant evaluation by an independent consumer authority or group; by the way, the RALOS of the ALAC could play that role in a certain measure!