Adaptavist Content Formatting Macros (com.adaptavist.confluence.contentFormattingMacros, Version: 3.0.0, Installed: Mar 20, 2013) |
| A collection of 25 macros that help format content in Confluence more easily and enhance the appearance of Wiki pages. | YES |
Adaptavist Rate Macro (com.adaptavist.confluence.rate, Version: 5.0.0, Installed: Mar 21, 2013) |
| The Rate Macro enables collection and display of user-ratings on pages and blog posted to Confluence. | NO |
Adaptavist Replace and Render (com.adaptavist.confluence.replaceandrender, Version: 1.1.6, Installed: Sep 4, 2012) |
| Allows replacements to be made within a block of wiki markup. It provides a set of macros that can be used to take the output of one macro and use it as the input for another. | NO |
Adaptavist Survey Plugin (com.adaptavist.confluence.survey, Version: 2.0.3, Installed: Feb 3, 2013) |
| Adds the ability to create and manage surveys from within Confluence itself with no extra software required. This plugin is being used in several spaces. | YES |
Advanced Macros (confluence.macros.advanced, Version: 2.3.1, Installed: Oct 6, 2012) |
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Atlassian Universal Plugin Manager - Plugin License Storage plugin (com.atlassian.upm.plugin-license-storage-plugin, Version: 2.12.4, Installed: Sep 4, 2012) |
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Atlassian Universal Plugin Manager Plugin (com.atlassian.upm.atlassian-universal-plugin-manager-plugin, Version: 2.13.3, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) |
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Basic Macros (confluence.macros.basic, Version: 2.0.5, Installed: Sep 4, 2012) |
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Bob Swift Software - Graphviz Plugin (com.atlassian.confluence.extra.graphviz, Version: 2.1.1, Installed: Jul 2, 2013) |
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Bob Swift Software - HTML Plugin (org.swift.confluence.html, Version: 4.2.4, Installed: Aug 19, 2013) |
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Bob Swift Software - Table Plugin (org.swift.confluence.table, Version: 6.0.0, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) |
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Bob Swift Software - Table Sorter Library (org.swift.confluence.tablesorter, Version: 2.0.0, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) |
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Chart Plugin (confluence.extra.chart, Version: 2.0.2, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) |
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Code Macro Plugin (com.atlassian.confluence.ext.newcode-macro-plugin, Version: 2.1.1, Installed: Feb 3, 2013) |
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Confluence Attachments Plugin (confluence.extra.attachments, Version: 3.6.7, Installed: Jul 24, 2012) |
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Confluence Contributors Plugin (com.atlassian.confluence.contributors, Version: 1.4, Installed: Jun 7, 2010) |
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Confluence Extractor API Plugin (com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-extractor-api-plugin, Version: 1.0, Installed: Aug 19, 2013) |
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Confluence HTML Macros (confluence.macros.html, Version: 2.0.2, Installed: Sep 4, 2012) |
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Confluence Thread Dump Plugin (com.atlassian.confluence.plugin.threaddump, Version: 2.0.1, Installed: Mar 20, 2013) |
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Confluence Usage Stats (com.atlassian.confluence.ext.usage, Version: 0.17, Installed: Jun 7, 2010) |
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CustomWare Composition Plugin (net.customware.confluence.plugin.composition, Version: 3.0.3, Installed: Feb 3, 2013) |
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CustomWare Linking Plugin (net.customware.confluence.plugin.linking, Version: 3.0.2, Installed: Apr 30, 2013) |
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CustomWare Reporting - Core (net.customware.reporting.reporting-core, Version: 1.0.2, Installed: Jul 2, 2013) |
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Descendent Notification Plugin (com.adaptavist.confluence.descendentNotification, Version: 3.0.2, Installed: Aug 21, 2013) |
| Extends Confluence’s page watch functionality to an entire hierarchy of pages whenever something changes on a selected page or its descendants. | YES |
Documentation Theme (com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.doctheme, Version: 5.2.5, Installed: Nov 12, 2010) |
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Dynamic Task List 2 Plugin (confluence.extra.dynamictasklist2, Version: 4.2.1, Installed: Jul 24, 2012) |
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Editor Height Fix (com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.editor-height-fix, Version: 1.0, Installed: Jun 5, 2013) |
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Form Mail NG (com.adaptavist.confluence.formMailNG, Version: 2.0.6, Installed: Feb 3, 2013) |
| Enables creation of custom email forms with full control of the fields/layout including validation of input, auto-complete a logged-in user’s details, and protection against from spam (CAPTCHA). | YES |
German language pack (confluence.languages.de_DE, Version: 1.21, Installed: Jul 13, 2011) |
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IM Presence NG Plugin (confluence.extra.impresence2, Version: 2.8.3, Installed: Mar 20, 2013) |
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JIRA Macros (confluence.extra.jira, Version: 5.0.3, Installed: Apr 12, 2013) |
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Lucene Compatibility Plugin (com.atlassian.labs.lucene-compat-plugin, Version: 1.1, Installed: Aug 19, 2013) |
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Office Connector plugin (com.atlassian.confluence.extra.officeconnector, Version: 3.1.1, Installed: Jan 20, 2011) |
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Page Tree Plugin (com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.pagetree, Version: 2.3.1, Installed: Dec 9, 2010) |
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Plugin Licensing Manager Plugin (com.adaptavist.plm.plugin.plm-plugin, Version: 0.6.1, Installed: Sep 27, 2011) |
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RB Filtering - Confluence (org.randombits.filtering.filtering-confluence, Version: 1.2.4, Installed: Jul 2, 2013) |
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RB Filtering - Core (org.randombits.filtering.filtering-core, Version: 1.0.2, Installed: Apr 26, 2013) |
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RB Storage - Confluence (, Version: 5.2.0, Installed: Apr 26, 2013) |
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RB Storage - Core (, Version: 5.2.1, Installed: Apr 26, 2013) |
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RB Storage - Parameters (, Version: 5.0.0, Installed: Apr 30, 2013) |
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RB Storage - Servlet (, Version: 5.2.0, Installed: Apr 26, 2013) |
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RB Supplier - Confluence (org.randombits.supplier.supplier-confluence, Version: 1.0.8, Installed: Jul 2, 2013) |
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RB Supplier - Core (org.randombits.supplier.supplier-core, Version: 1.0.6, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) |
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RB Support - Confluence (, Version: 5.2.7, Installed: Apr 26, 2013) |
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RB Support - Core (, Version: 1.2.4, Installed: Apr 26, 2013) |
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RefinedWiki Mobile Interface (, Version: 2.2.1, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) |
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RefinedWiki Original Theme (com.refinedwiki.confluence.plugins.theme.original, Version: 3.5.8, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) |
| Provides the theming capability for site consistency. | YES |
Remotable Plugins I18n plugin (remotable.plugins.i18n, Version: 1, Installed: Sep 28, 2013) |
| |
Scaffolding Metadata Plugin (org.randombits.confluence.confluence-metadata, Version: 5.0.5, Installed: Jul 2, 2013) |
| Allows the building of sophisticated page templates currently being used in multiple spaces. | YES |
Support Tools Plugin (, Version: 3.5.2, Installed: Mar 20, 2013) |
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Survey Macros (com.nearinfinity.confluence.survey-plugin, Version:, Installed: May 6, 2011) |
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Table of Contents Plugin (org.randombits.confluence.toc, Version: 2.6.5, Installed: Feb 3, 2013) |
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Tabular Metadata (confluence.extra.masterdetail, Version: 3.2, Installed: Jul 24, 2012) |
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Team Calendars (, Version: 4.0.3, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) |
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User Lister (confluence.extra.userlister, Version: 2.6.0, Installed: Jun 7, 2010) |
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Viewtracker Plugin (ch.bitvoodoo.confluence.plugins.viewtracker, Version: 3.0.3, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) |
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Widget Connector (com.atlassian.confluence.extra.widgetconnector, Version: 2.1.7, Installed: Jul 2, 2013) |
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bitvoodoo Registration Plugin (ch.bitvoodoo.confluence.plugins.registration, Version: 1.0.2, Installed: Jul 2, 2013) |
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================================== | ================================= | ||
Adaptavist Footnotes | The Confluence Footnote and {display-footnotes} macros allow you to easily create footnotes in your Confluence content. This is a useful macro, especially for those creating document pages. | YES |
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