- Trip Allocations (4 days, 3 nights standard):
- Five (5) individual regional trips are allocated to At-Large RALOs including: AFRALO, APRALO, EURALO, LACRALO, and NARALO
- Four Five (45) individual regional trips and which may include one (1) out of region trip are if necessary, allocated to GNSO Constituencies including: Business, Intellectual Property, Internet Services Provider, Non-Commercial Users, and Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns.
- Funded Costs/Expenses: Includes transportation (economy class), lodging, and per diem (4 days, 3 nights standard)
- Booking: All travel booked via ICANN Constituency Travel to ensure consistency, proper accounting, recordation, and tracking against budget.
- All trips and outreach activities must be completed before the end of ICANN's 2018 fiscal year. Traveling participants must have returned to their originating destination on or before 30 June 2018.
- Any trip allocated, but not taken, will not carry over to the next fiscal year.
- Minimum timeframes: An individual Trip trip must be approved within the participant's organization/structure, including coordination with the applicable regional Stakeholder Engagement V.P. team a minimum of 6-weeks prior to the proposed travel date. This 6-week period is the absolute minimum time and should not be considered a "best practice". Notice and planning with regional teams should take place as early as possible.
- Travel may not be booked individually or through the event organizers. ICANN's Constituency Travel department will manage all travel booking and ensure that any financial outlays are optimized to the maximum extent possible.
- A Trip Assessment must be completed for each outreach activity attended or hosted (within 3 weeks of returning). The assessment should clearly and specifically describe if/how the original purpose(s) and outcome(s) were realized as well as details of the event itself (who, what, where, when, and why).
- Unless an exception is authorized in advance, trips must originate and conclude within the same region and should, wherever practicable, be taken by someone working in or proximate to that territory. GNSO Constituencies may attend one out of region trip per fiscal year within the five trip allocations.
- Any single outreach activity may be attended by multiple persons; however, each traveler is counted as utilizing one of structure's allocated trips.
- If an approved trip is voided or cancelled for some unanticipated and/or extraordinary reason, a replacement trip will be allocated to the affected organization within FY18.
- It will not be possible to support trip "compounding" or "splitting" of expenses or any other strategy with a goal of increasing the number of individual trips assigned to an organization. ICANN appreciates all reasonable efforts on the part of participants to minimize expenses; however, to properly manage this unique resource, each individual trip stands on its own and will require separate authorization and tracking.