Slide deck:
EPDP HIT Slide Deck - 17 October 2018.pptx
EPDP Team High Interest Topic Session
Monday 22 October, 15.15 – 16.45
Draft Agenda
Topic | Timing | Objective | Presenter on behalf of EPDP Team |
Welcome & introductions | 15.15 – 15.20 | Welcome audience and introduce panelists. Provide overview of structure for the session. | Kurt |
EPDP background and approach for development of Initial Report | 15.20 – 15.30 | Provide brief background to the EPDP, its scope, deliverables as well as approach taken to deliberations and development of Initial Report. Describe approach to the problem through thoughtful, methodical way (worksheets, data matrix, etc.) In order to answer charter questions, needed to carefully consider purposes, legal basis, data elements weight against necessity and data minimization principles minimizations | Kurt / Rafik |
EPDP Team Responses to Charter Questions and Overview of Preliminary Recommendations | |||
Purposes for Processing Registration Data | 15.30 – 15.40 | Outline how the EPDP Team moved from Temp Spec purposes to wholesome consideration of purposes, data elements required, processing activities as well as lawful basis. Provide high level overview of purposes identified and explain how further details are expected to be included in the form of data elements workbooks. Provide high level overview of expected preliminary recommendations in relation to this topic. |
Required Data Processing Activities | 15.40 – 15.50 | Provide high level overview of what data is expected to be collected for the purposes identified in the previous segment, data to be transferred from Rr to Ry and recommended data retention periods. Provide high level overview of expected preliminary recommendations in relation to this topic. |
Data Processing Terms | 15.50 – 15.55 | Provide high level overview of expected preliminary recommendations in relation to this topic. |
Updates to other Consensus Policies (UDRP, URS, Transfers) | 15.55 – 16.00 | Provide high level overview of expected preliminary recommendations in relation to this topic. |
Other recommendations & outstanding issues, if any | 16.00 – 16.10 | Provide high level overview of other preliminary recommendations expected to be included in the Initial Report Provide overview of topics that the EPDP Team is still working on addressing through its meetings later in the week |
Expected next steps in relation to publication of Initial report | 16.10 – 16.15 | Provide timeline of when public comment period will open, close and expected next steps, including when work on standardized access model is expected to commence. |
Q & A | 16.15 – 16.40 | Encourage audience to ask clarifying questions in relation to updates that have been provided | Moderator: |
Close | 16.40 – 16.45 | Encourage audience to provide input through the public comment forum. Thank audience and panelists for their participation. | Kurt |