APRALO Beijing Events Organizing Committee Tuesday
22 January 2013 Teleconference
Time: 04:00-05:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Transcript: APRALO Beijing Events OC Transcript 2013-01-22
A to be updatedA Draft
1. Roll Call (Staff)
2. Status update on ALS invitations, travel, visa & Beijing hotel (Pavan & Staff)
a. Sponsorship & Promotion (CLO, Edmon, Jack)
i. Promotional Items to be produced
b. Showcase/Reception (Edmon, Pavan, Maureen)
i. Developing a Schedule of the Event
ii. Speakers to be invited
c. Capacity Building (Maureen, Sala
i. Identification of ALS representatives' needs
d. General Assembly (Holly, YJ)
i. Agreeing draft agenda
e. Local Engagement/Outreach (Jack, Hong, Edmon
i. Identifying activities
f. Multistakeholder Policy Roundtable (Rinalia, Holly, Jack)
i. Agreeing to topics
ii. Identification of potential speakers and moderators
g. Youth Forum (Jack, Hong, Edmon)
a. Regional Inreach (ALS preparation/lead-up for Beijing) - once ideas have been discussed and clarified, add as one sub-component of Capacity Building
Next Call (Holly)