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APRALO Beijing Events Organizing Committee Meeting

Tuesday 27 November 2012 at 0400 UTC


Summary Notes and Action Items


Co-chairs: Rinalia, Holly, Hong/Jack, YJ



Sponsorship Committee - CLO, Rinalia, Edmon, Jack

Multi-stakeholder Sub-Committee - Rinalia

Promotional Sub-Committee -

Showcase /Reception Sub-Committee -  Edmon, Maureen.

Capacity building Sub-Commiteee -



Sponsorship will cover some of promotional materials.

It is critical to start to think about that.

Two critical thngs: Showcase: What this is going to be?




There are several "models" of Showcase.

Holly mentioned that someone from the West of APARALO would be ok.

Rinalia: Every subregion of APRALO could be featured in one video.


General Assembly

Holly looked at what NARALO did and there is a lot of material, Holly can volunteer for this.



Aim is to have ALSEs join the existing Fellowship/Newcomers meetings




Youth Forum - possible activity to be planned.


AI: A doodle to be sent out: Friday 7th to week of 10th]