The pilot run for the APILP will be at APrIGF 2014 in Delhi, India. Please sign up and join us now. The final program is attached.
Report on Pilot run of APILP and Discussion on APILP Terms of Reference (5 Aug 2014, 9am, Hotel Crowne Plaza) (APrIGF Workshop #15)
The TOR and future directions for APILP will be was discussed during APrIGF on 5 Aug 2014, Tuesday 9am. The notes of meeting as well as a report on the pilot run of the APILP session during the APrIGF is attached for your reference.
APILP Pilot Session Report and Notes for 5 Aug Meeting.pdf
APILP Pilot Session in Delhi (Introduction)
APILP Pilot Session in Delhi (IANA Stewardship Discussion)
APILP Pilot Session in Delhi (Floor Discussion)