Open Invitation to Working Group for Asia Pacific Internet Leadership Program (APILP) during ICANN49 (March 22, 2014)


At the sidelines of the ICANN49 meeting, members of the APAC community discussed the direction and objectives of Asia Pacific Internet Leadership Program (APILP). The salient points of discussion are captured below.





Funding and support


Call for Action (5 May 2014)

As a follow up to the meeting, a draft terms of reference (TOR) document is attached for discussion. Comments from all are welcome. (Please send in your comments to and copy by 6 June 2014. If you wish to be a part of this working group, please also send your request to the same email addresses).

Attachment: Draft TOR for Working Group on APILP v2.docx

Comment window closed (6 June 2014)

Thanks all for the comments at the discussion list.  The draft version of the TOR document at the close of the comment window is attached below. We will discuss the next steps for this in further detail.

Attachment: Draft TOR for Working Group on APIGLP v4.1.docx

1st APILP Call (13 June 2014)

a) Agenda for call

  1. For the APILP-WG to have a face to face meeting to discuss the TOR during Delhi APrIGF (Aug); 
  2. To do a first run of the APILP during Delhi APrIGF (Aug), initial draft proposal as attached (Proposal 1).  

b) Notes for Call


Cheryl Langdon Orr, ISOC AU
Duncan Macintosh, APNIC
Hong Xue, Beijing Normal University
Kelvin Wong, ICANN
Kuek Yu Chuang, ICANN
Low Jiarong, ICANN
Yannis Li, DotAsia

1) Nomination of Chair and Vice Chair

2) On APILP proposals

3) Follow up for APILP-WG


Nomination period for Chair and Vice Chair (From 16 June, Mon to 6 July, Sun)

Please nominate names for the Chair and Vice Chair of the APILP Working Group by 6 July (Sun). 

The revised TOR, which includes the terms for Chair and Vice Chair of the APILP-Work Group, is attached. Draft TOR for Working Group on APILP v5.docx


2nd APILP Working Group Coordination Call (10 July 2014, UTC 8am)

Prof Ang Peng Hwa was nominated as the APILP Chair during the Nomination period and has been elected by acclamation.  The key discussion points and action items arising from the coordination call is attached. The revised proposed pilot APILP program is also attached below. 

APILP Working Group - Notes for 10 July Coordination Call.pdf

APILP_3 Aug Syllabus_v2 .docx

Next APILP coordination call is proposed to be on 17 July 2014 (UTC 7am).


3rd APILP Working Group Coordination Call (17 July 2014, UTC 7am)

The key discussion points and action items arising from the coordination call is attached. The outreach info sheet is also attached.

APILP Working Group - Notes for 17 July Coordination Call.pdf

APILP Pilot Program Info Sheet.pdf


Pilot Session for APILP (3 August 2014, 9am-5:40pm, Tejas Room, Hotel Crowne Plaza, Greater Noida, Delhi, India)

The pilot run for the APILP will be at APrIGF 2014 in Delhi, India. Please sign up and join us now. The final program is attached.

APILP Program Sheet.pdf


Report on Pilot run of APILP and Discussion on APILP Terms of Reference (APrIGF Workshop #15)

The TOR and future directions for APILP was discussed during APrIGF on 5 Aug 2014, Tuesday 9am.  The notes of meeting as well as a report on the pilot run of the APILP session during the APrIGF is attached for your reference.

APILP Pilot Session Report and Notes for 5 Aug Meeting.pdf 

APILP Pilot Session in Delhi (Introduction)

APILP Pilot Session in Delhi (IANA Stewardship Discussion)

APILP Pilot Session in Delhi (Floor Discussion)