Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/ppsai/
Agenda: TBC
- Roll call/SOI updates (3 mins)
- Presentations on P/P services and different business models (30 mins)
- Last call for finalization of template on Category B Question 1 (7 mins)
- Continuation of discussion of template on Category B Question 2 (15 mins)
- Planning for Singapore (5 mins)
Questions from last week for further discussion (Cat B Question 2):
- What would be the arguments for not using the same standards / requirements for validation and verification as per the 2013 RAA?
- Should there be a requirement for re-verification, and if so, what instances would trigger such re-verification?
- In case of affiliation between the P/P service and the registrar, if the registration information has already been verified by the registrar, should this exempt the P/P provider from doing so?
- Should the same requirements apply to privacy and proxy services or is there a reason to distinguish between the two?