2. Action Items (all action items tracked in the Google sheet linked here [docs.google.com])
Reference | Date | Action item | Status |
09-01, 09-02 | 2 April 2024 | ICANN support team to work with PTI to schedule a meeting based on their availability to review the questions prepared regarding the definitions section of the contract. |
09-03 | 2 April 2024 | Co-chairs will work with ICANN support team to prepare for the 30 April meeting where the review team will be split into two groups, reviewing two different parts of the contract in parallel. |
07-01 | 4 March 2024 | As follow up from the 6 March CSC briefing: Co-chairs to consider formally asking the CSC liaison if there is anything they would like to bring to the attention of the IFR2. |
3. Background on the genesis of the Definitions section of the IANA Naming Function Contract, and answer questions (further material will be shared to the list in advance of the meeting) - PTI