ISSUE: A.1.a. | Prohibition of certain illegal, criminal or malicious conduct. |
Priority: | N/A | |
Issue/Request | Registrar shall not engage in activities or conduct that results in: (i) a conviction by a court of competent jurisdiction of a felony or other serious offense related to financial activities; (ii) a judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction that Registrar has committed fraud or breach of fiduciary duty; (iii) the Registrar being the subject of a judicial determination that is the substantive equivalent of those offenses (i)-(ii); or (iv) the Registrar knowingly and/or through gross negligence, permitting criminal activity in the registration of domain names or in the provision of domain name WHOIS information, after failing to promptly cure such activity after notice thereof. | Source: |
Notes | Additional information regarding requests: N/A | Source: |
Discussion Points | Description | Date Discussed |
| Generally agreeable to Registrars; further discussion needed regarding choice of law (e.g., legal standard defining “criminal activity”) and scoping issues. | 18 Nov 2011 |
Proposed Text | Open | |
Status/Outcome | Under Discussion | |
Explanation | Open | |
COMMENTS: | Comments may be submitted using the “Add Comment” feature below. |